What if

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Hey, so I'll be doing multiple scenarios for this prompt. Also, sorry this is so late.

Canon Divergence AU
Season 8 spoilers

Type of one-shot: Fluff
Who: klance
Background: What if Lance chickens out when he went to ask Allura out because he was confused about feelings he has for Keith.

   Lance sat behind Hunk, looking into his coffee and stirring it sadly. Hunk took the food from and parents and said his goodbyes, closing the door behind him. He walked and sat across from Lance, excited to talk about tomorrows plans "Launching tomorrow. The big day. It seems like forever ago when we pilled into the Blue Lion and blasted out into space." Hunk brought a hand to his head and remembered the day that completely changed his life. "Man we had no idea what we were getting into!"

   "Yeah," Lance said sadly, still not looking up from his mug.

   "But now it's different. We've seen it all. Were rugged veterans now, going back into battle one last time." Hunk enthusiastically moved his hand around, motioning towards an invisible that he seemed to be excited for.

   "Mm, yup."

   Hunk seemed unfazed by the depressed edge Lances voice had. He ignored it even. He just kept talking. "Guess that makes us heroes or something? Like the type of heroes that would have their own TV show! Did you watch it, Lance? Ah, it's so cool! It's so cool." Hunks voice got louder until it was almost a shout. He lowered his voice a notch and continued with his excited rant. "They got you spot-on, but Coran is like, he's all super serious and stuff." Hunk mocked what a stern teacher does when mocking you. "And Allura is a little... I don't know, she's different. Keith is friendly!" Hunk hugged his stomach and laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. Lance finally looked away from what he was stirring and looked at Hunk. Lance knew Keith wasn't really that bad, just emotionally detached. "He's happy all the time. I mean, they got it so wrong." Hunk stopped laughing and looked at Lance. "Plus, I think they're hinting at some romance between him and Allura."

   Lance jumped up at that, dropping the spoon and almost getting directly into Hunks face. "What?! Keith and Allura? No, it should be Lance... and umm... Allura. Or maybe, maybe Lance and Keith? I don't know. Just anything but Keith and Allura!" Lance angrily hovered over the table, and there was a pause before Hunk spoke again.

   "Ooh, a love triangle. I like where you're taking this."

   "No no, it's not about that." Lance sat back down in his seat, his expression turning sad once again. "Or... maybe it is."

   "Wait, that's right. You said you were going to ask Allura on a date. You asked her, didn't you? Oh, and she said no. Oh, oh man. Here I am, rubbing your face in it." Hunk had no enabled his sad best friend mode and tried to right the wrong he didn't even make.

   "She didn't say no. I... Well, I never asked her." Lance looked back towards the floor, ashamed in himself. He couldn't even decide whether or not he liked Keith for real. If he did he didn't want to do that to Allura.

   "You chickened out?"

   "I was going to ask her, but she's been spending like every day in the med bay. Plus I'm kinda confused about something. I think I... I think I might like Keith too. Maybe this just isn't the right time to start anything."

   "No, Lance. What? It's the only time. After tomorrow, we're back out in space fighting the Galra. There is no other time, literally. Try to figure it out today, maybe if you can hang out with them both. If you like Keith, ask him out. If you don't, ask out Allura. But you are going to be with someone, I just know it." Hunks tone was serious but his face held a fond expression. Lance looked up at him and nodded in silent agreement.


   "I have one more item to discuss. It's our last night on Earth, and we've got a lot of hard work ahead of us. We may not be back home for years. So I'm ordering you..." Shiro's expression changed from a solemn one to a more relaxed and casual one. He gave the room a small smile. "To take some time for yourselves. Be with the ones you love. You've earned it." The room relaxes and listens to his orders, dispersing from the room.

   Lance waited by the door for Keith and Shiro to finish their conversation. When Keith finally did walk out of the room, he walked by Lance and didn't even acknowledge him.

   "Wait!" Lance ran behind Keith and grabbed his hand. Keith turned around, startled.

   "What is it, Lance." Keith looked down at Lance's hand in his but didn't dare move it.

   Lance saw Keith glance and blushed deep red when Keith looked away and didn't move his hand. Lance got an idea. He intertwined their fingers and looked Keith in the eyes.

   "Do you want to go watch the sunset with me? Then maybe we could go to dinner at my house. So, what do you think?" Lance is really nervous and the long silence is definitely not helping calm them. He felt Keith squeeze his hand a little tighter.

   "Yeah, Lance. I would love to." Lance let out an almost comical sigh. Keith laughs and looks fondly at Lance. Lance smiled and pulled Keith a little closer.

   Lance definitely knew that he absolutely positively liked Keith. Maybe even more than he knew.


Lance arrived at the base of the Black Lion and looked up. He and Keith had agreed to meet at the head of it. Now, Lance regretted the decision. But no because he didn't want to spend time with Keith, but because the Black Lion was massive.

   Lance finally made it to the head, narrowly falling on the way there.

   "Hey man."

   "Woah, Lance. What are you wearing?"

   "Do I look that bad?"

   "Quite the opposite actually."  Lance sat down and looked at his lap, embarrassed.

   Lance scoots towards Keith and places his head onto his shoulder. They sit like that and watch the sunset, eventually talking about the events of the next day. They eventually got down and went to dinner with the rest of the McClains. They embarrassed him enough and after Keith and Lance left for a walk. Keith clung to Lance's arm and placed his head on Lance's shoulder. They sit below a tree that Lance used to play on as a child. For the sake of their privacy and my sleep cycle, I won't tell you the exact things they said, only the basics. Keith and Lance discussed futures and how Lance really did like Keith. Keith admitted that he also like Lance, and they shared a tender kiss. They lived happily once the war was over and Allura was alive. Sorry, the ending is rushed, but I want to cry and sleep.

Lean On Me || Klance Angst OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora