5 Hours Extra

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Collage AU

Type of Oneshot: fluff
Who: klance
Background: Keith and Lance are dorm mates together at a collage. One night, after days of no sleep and too much caffeine keep finally passes out. On Lance. For a whole night.

   //Note: Keith and Lance are NOT dating yet//

   Lance returned to the dorm room and set his things down. As soon as he walked in he started loudly complaining about something that had happened. He walked into the main room where Keith was sitting at his easel in the corner, slowly nodding off. He look exhausted and Lance could tell that he hadn't slept in days. School work along with his job had kept him up and busy for days at a time. Now that Lance thinks about it, he can't recall the last time that he saw Keith sleep. Lance stopped his rambling and stared at Keith. He got worried when he had seen Keith move for a while.

   "Hey Keith, you alright there buddy?"

   Keith shot up, paintbrush in hand. He looked around then up to his easle before returning to his art homework.

   "Im alright." But he didn't sound like it. His voice was slow and weak. He had very dark circles under his eyes and was shaking from only drinking caffeine for days.

   "No you're not. Keith, come on its time for bed. Or we can watch a movie. You decide. But you need a break. When is the last time you even slept?" There was a pause before Lance continued to rant. "Exactly. Now pick so you can relax. Sleep is good for you, so please lets do something so you can relax."

   Keith stared at Lance for a moment before answering. "Sure." He then got up and plopped down on the couch, covering the entire thing. Lance stood in front of the couch and smiled at Keith.  He went to his bedroom and returned with a blanket and pillow. He shut the lights off and turned on the tv before returning to the couch. He gently tapped Keith's head. Keith turned to face him.

   "Lift your head up for a second." Keith did as he was told and lifted his head up. Lance slid underneath his head to sit on the couch and placed the pillow on his lap. "You can lay down now."

   Lance draped the blanket he had brought with him over Keith's body. He settled down for the movie. Without even thinking, Lance placed his hands on Keith's head and played with his hair.

   Once Lance realized what he was doing, he immediately stopped. Keith looked up when Lance took his hands out of his hair.

   "It felt relaxing, will you keep doing it."

   "Of course." Tell Lance continue to play with Keith's hair until he finally fell asleep. He stayed asleep throughout the whole movie and once it was over, Lance's decided to shut it off. He went to stand up but then remembered that Keith was laying on his lap. And he had his hand in his hair. So he stayed where he was, deciding to skip classes and make sure that Keith got some sleep. He shifted Keith to a more comfortable position for the both of them and settled in for the night. Once he was comfortable he drifted off to asleep holding, Keith close to his chest.

   Lance woke up first realizing the situation and it's not moving. He wanted to make sure that Keith got as much sleep as he possibly could. Finally deciding that it would be better if he put them in his bed, he slithered out of Keith's arms. He stood in front of the couch and bent over, picking up Keith and walking to their shared bedroom. He placed Keith down on his bed. The actions startled him awake and he made grabby hands at Lance.

   "Laaaannce, stay with me pleeeease." He sounded almost drunk or high in this sleep-deprived state. Really wanting to nap, Lance agreed to lay down with Keith again. He held the boy in his arms and rubbed his back until they both fell asleep. Again.

   So now, whenever Keith hasn't slept enough, Lance full hold him and comfort him and make sure that he actually sleeps instead of just buying him a coffee as normal roommates would do. Cause you know, these are no normal college roommates.

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