What do you know...

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Hey guys this is an essay I ahd to do for class and it's not exactly Klance but I added Voltron names cause I'm obsessed.

MCAS Narrative

“Often his bare feet would slip on the wet rocks, pitching him sideways. Stumbling along, his torn brown tunic flapping about his legs, he resembled an ungainly water bird, picking his way across the shoreline. Yet all the time he knew what he really was: a lone boy, with no name and no home …”


The boy began to think more in depth about that. How come he only forgot details about himself? He knew he could remember the names of objects and could identify their names, but was puzzled when trying to remember any details of what had happened to him or even who he was. How did he end up in the ocean? How did he get so far away from land? What was his name? To these problems, he still didn’t know the answer.

The rocks proved to be critical and the boy slipped on the rocks for the last time. He banged his head once again, falling down and becoming unconscious.

He awoke with a start, sitting up quickly and looking around. Surprisingly, he was in almost no pain, only a dull throbbing inside his head. He stood up and continued wandering with no real purpose, just trying to get away from the slick rocks.

Now on some safe ground, the boy pauses to take a break. He felt faint and oddly quite fatigued. The strength felt like it had been drained from him, and he had to sit down or risk toppling over. Looking for a safe spot to nap, he spotted a safe looking rock formation. He crawled there, using the rest of his energy in the process. He collapsed, falling asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

He dreamt of peaceful things. He was lifted to the clouds by a mysterious figure with a strange halo around its head. It brought him above the surface without a word, placing him carefully at the foot of the goddess Allura, before flying off to do other angelic duties.

“Where am I?” the boy asked, even more, scared that he had previously been. “Do you know where I came from? Do you know who I am?”

“My boy, you have learned of me in school. I am the goddess Allura, protector of all children. You have been into some danger recently, haven’t you?”

“I think so… wait, how did you know?”

“I saw you fall into the ocean. I, my friend, am the reason you did not drown,” the goddess said proudly, flashing the boy an almost to bright smile.

“Thank you, but that still doesn't help me remember who I am or what happened,” the boy inquired. He was very happy to know she saved him but agitated that she wasn’t giving him the answers to more important questions.

“You’ll find out in time. First, I must show you something. C’mon, let’s go.” Allura grabbed the boys hand and they traveled swiftly to another part of the cloudly terrain. They descended from the clouds and over a small town. It looked familiar to the boy, but he couldn't quite place where it was located. They stood at the center of town, around dozens of people, yet it seemed as though no one could see them. Yet they still made room for them, even bumping into other people to move out of the way. Maybe they chose not to acknowledge them?

“Can they see us?” the boy looked up at the goddess expectantly but got no reply. Fed up with being ignored, the boy pulled his hand out Allura’s hand. He walked briskly around, still trying to place the area. It looked so familiar, felt so familiar, yet he just didn’t know, well anything. It had to be connected to himself though because those are the only things he doesn’t remember.

The boy stopped dead in his tracks. On a telephone pole, there was his face. It was on a missing flyer poster. He read the flyer and found his name.

“Lance Serrano,” he tries the name out, feeling the name click. “I’m a missing person?! Where is my family?! I need to tell them that I am okay!” But, he could not do that. He ran to find the goddess, who stood calmly in an alleyway. She barely paid any mind to the boy approaching her again.

“Are you ready to find out why we are here?” she finally looked at him again, an unimpressed look on her face.

“Yes yes! Please yes!” the boy was ecstatic, jumping up and down and shouting happily. Allura grabbed Lance’s hand and pulled him at an inhuman pace through town. They arrived at they edge pf the town, in front of a small home. There was two children passing a ball back an forth, while the mother sat on the steps and watched them play. They looked happy. “Who are they?” the boy stared at the family, puzzled. He glanced around the yard until he spotted the mail box. On it in bright red paint said: Serrano. That was his last name. That meant that this must be his house! And his family! He was home!

“They are your family. They’re waiting for you. Go now, join them.” The goddess ushered the boy towards his brothers and mom. They acted as if he had been there the whole time, like he was just coming back from a bathroom break. They passed the ball and had fun. He was finally home again. Everything was good.

But in reality, things were not good. After falling asleep, the boy’s breathing had stopped and his heart follow soon after. He lost too much blood after hitting his head on the rocks for a second time. He had perished. It was all just a dream.

The fretful parents of three turned on her TV, hoping to see more news on one of their missing children. They had gone on a fishing trip with the family. They had been on a small boat far out in the ocean. The weather wasn't particularly good and the wind speed was ever increasing. The boy had been looking for some fish, leaning a little too far overboard. The family hadn't had any success catching the fish so they decided to switch locations. The boat lurched forward, knocking the boy over the side. With the engine rumbling loudly along with no life vest on him, the boy was sure to drown. The fishing trip continued as normal until his father took notice in the boy's absence. He stopped the boat an alerted the rest of the family. They searched the entirety of the ship put their efforts proved to be futile. He was gone.

Days and days passed. His severely battered body was found six days later by a search party assigned to look for him on the beach. The body was found a little ways away from the shoreline, wedged between some rocks. Surprisingly, it was found that he didn't drown, but died from head trauma. All hope was finally lost for the family as they accepted his death.

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