Happy Fall

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Type of Oneshot: Fluffy
Who: klance
Background: mermaid+soulmate au. Keith is walking along a pier and Lance is a mermaid watching from afar
A/N- Some happy stuff after death? I might remove this i don't really like this one.

It was late at night. Keith had been walking along the pier alone. The normally bustling beach was completely empty. He walked, not really paying the ground much mind but rather listsening to the waves crash on the beach or the wood creaking under his feet.

Keith would later reminisce back to this moment, the good parts of it and the bad parts of it. You may wonder: what could be so bad about a walk on the pier? See, Keith wasn't really paying attention to where he was going. He was right along the edge of the wooden structure when he lost his footing and fell in.

The water was very deep and cold. Keith also wasn't a good swimmer. He tried and tried but could not make his way upwards. He started sinking, lower and lower, the breath in his lungs slowly about to burst. At last minute, strong arms wrapped around his and quickly brought him upwards.

He broke the surface, gasping for air. Once he caught his breath he looked to see who was still holding him above the surface.

"How do you swim that well."

"My tail. Duh. Anyway, the name's Lance. Who are you?"

"I'm Keith. So you're like a merman?"

"Yup but when I find my soulmate I can grow legs. And you wanna know something funny? While you where walking, I grew legs. Of course, I changed them back but uh yeah. So I guess you're my soulmate."

"Oh, I heard stories of finding your soulmate but this one is strange. Do you maybe wanna hang out on land. I'm still a little scared from almost drowning."

"Yeah sure. Also, I know you're scared I can feel you shaking mullet."



"Fine I'm gonna call you Blue then."

"Fair enough. Lets go."

Lance swam with Keith in his arms back to shore. Lance changed into his legs and Keith gave him his pants and his jacket //Lance didn't have any clothes, Keith's in his boxers and a tee shirt//. The two made there way to Keith's car. Lance hooked his pinkie around Keith's. Both smiling, they dried off in the car and went to Keith's house. He showed Lance around his house, giving him full acess to his tub/shower. After they both showered and got into a pair of clothes, Keith showed Lance some land movies, and cuddled underneath a blanket. Lance fell asleep and Keith carried him to bed. He fell asleep next to Lance for the first time, many more nights to follow.

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