I cant do it

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Type of Oneshot: brief angst
Who: kangst
Resolved: yeah

Incoming Call

   Lance looked at his screen and brightened. It was Keith! Lance and Keith had met through a cool action series called Voltron. They started a Voltron groupchat and argued often. Then the 8th and final season of the show came out. The two hated the ending and bonded over the horrible treatment of some of the characters.

   They started to know each other better and soon meet in real life, even if only for a week. After the visit, Lance asked Keith out. He had said yes, but the long distance relationship was really tough for him. Lance had been saving to surprise Keith and move to California to be around him more.

   Lance answered the call and smiled brightly at his boyfriend. "Hey Keith! Wait are you okay? Why are you crying?"

   "Lance, I miss you so much. The way you smile even when the jokes are dumb. I see it now but its not the same. I wish I could hold you close an-" and lould sob escaped his mouth and he had to take a minute to calm down. "I'm just so alone here. No one wants me here. It's only ever been you who cared and I need you."

   "Baby no! Please don't cry baby! It's alright. Plenty of people like you. What about Pidge and Shiro and Adam. Keith, we all love you. I was going to surprise you, but I got a good paying job near you. I have been saving my money to see you. Two weeks!"


   "Of course."

   Keith smiled at what his boyfriend was saying. Yeah, people do care about me. And yeah! Lance would be here in two weeks!

   Keith pulled his legs up to his chest. "I can't wait to see you," he whispered into his legs feeling better already.

   "See you soon mi amor."

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