The Playground in my Yard

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Type of Oneshot: fluff
Who: klance
Background: ever since childhood, Lance and Keith would play on one of those playgrounds that your parents would make and place in your backyard. Years later, they return to it but for a different purpose...

I'm just gonna set the mood... It's a cold winter evening. The sun has gone to hide behind the clouds making the sky look depressed. A gentle breeze blew through the air. It was just cold enough to seep through a sweatshirt when the wind hit you. Big puffy jackets were worn by the two of them. The only sound you could hear was the swishing of their puffy jackets and the ground beneath their heavy boots. The neighboorhood was empty. No lights were on and the surrounding area looked as though it had been inhabited for years. Both boys were getting cold form the temperature that was dropping every minute as the sun sank lower behind the clouds. The sunset would have been present if it had been a clear sky.

Lance and Keith walked hand in hand through the almost abandoned neighboorhood. They're looking for a specific house, one that used to belong to Keith's parents back when they were alive. Keith hoped and prayed that the small play structure was still there. It was his favorite place to spend the day as a child and would love to see it one last time.

He first had wanted to go alone but now he was grateful that Lance had asked to come. He and Lance used to play there all the time. Lance had lived a couple of neighborhoods over from Keith. They had met when Keith went to the local park. But everything changed when his mom left them. His father didn't want to go there and be reminded of his wife. So they built one together in the backyard. And Lance didn't see Keith for months until they saw each other at the supermarket with their families. They made a play date and soon Lance was over there 24/7 and vice versa. It was sad to think that this was the only thing he had left of his parents. But once again, Lance made it less sad, putting his usual positive spin on everything. Keith clutched Lance's hand tighter as they approached the front of his old house.

"Babe, you alright?" Lance looked down to Keith. When they made eye contact, Keith could tell how concerned he really was. It made Keith appreciate Lance a thousand times more.

"Yeah, I'll be alright," Keith responded, calming down and exhaling shakily. Lance stared at Keith more, the doubt clearly present on his face. "Can I just, have a hug maybe?"

Lance chuckled. "Of course you can. We're dating now, you don't have to ask permission first." Lance had the fondest smile ever as he wrapped Keith in a warm comforting hug. Keith melted into the hug, deciding that hugging Lance was more important than what was in the backyard of that house. They stayed like that for a long time. Most people would have said that standing in the cold hugging for an hour was ridiculous but to Lance and Keith, it was completely reasonable. They finally decided to go see the play structure.

Keith's breath caught in his throat when he saw the plastic playground for the first time since he was eight.

"It's still here," Keith whispered to Lance. He was shocked that it had lasted almost 13 years without being cleaned or anything. Keith broke into a sprint and ran to the structure. it was quite big and Keith could still fit on it. Keith slowly circled the structure while Lance watched from the side. Although he enjoyed spending time with Keith on it as a kid, this wasn't about him. This was a very important part of his life. It signified a time that he got to spend with his father.

"Come here, Lance!" Lance sighed in relief from Keith's tone of voice. He sounded excited and not sad which helped Lance get over his anxiousness. Keith and Lance stayed there and played on the slide, eventually getting sick of that and deciding to lay on it and talk. Then they got bored with that and started making out.

The sun eventually went down and they had to return back to their home. They made a plan to return soon with a truck and bring the play structure to their shared apartment.

Keith and Lance enjoy the rest of their night together reminiscing about old times and their childhood together. Although Keith didn't have the best childhood he didn't regret meeting Lance then. He even says that he's one of the best things that ever happened to him, although he never says it again because he doesn't want Lance to let it go to his head.

Happy Birthday, Shiro. Youll be in the next one so don't worry :)

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