I Waited

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Part 2 to Ill Wait on the Other Side.
10 years later
Type of Oneshot: Angst
Who: mostly langst
Resolved: yes
Background: the war has ended and voltron is no longer needed. Keith is still upset over the loss of Lance and finally

Keith's POV

I can't wait any longer. I had found the letter that night. It had said that Lance would wait for me, but why should he. I was the one to blame. It has haunted me since that night and I really can't take it anymore. I call everyone, having short conversations and making sure to say "I love you" at the end of each one. By the last phone call, I'm crying too much to talk. I manage to say goodbye and that I love you. Shiro will be sad for a time but eventually he'll come around.

I grab Lance's jacket from many nights ago. I place it around my shoulders and walk into the bathroom and grab my antidepressant meds. I dump the pills into my hands and grab a cup of water. I take some. Then more. And more. Until the bottle is empty and I'm left feeling hot and sweaty. I reach into the cabinet and grab some sleep pills, taking those as well. I go to bed, silently wishing the world and my loved ones goodbye.

Everything is black. Then, all at once, it's not. There is a light and a feeling of peacefulness sweeps over me. It's the afterlife. I walk around, searching for someone.

"Keith!" they scream. They did wait. They're here. I spin around in the direction of the voice.

"Lance!" I cry out. I run towards him and he meets me halfway, embracing me tightly. "Lance, I'm so sorry. It was my fault you were sad. Why would you wait for me? I ruined your life." The peacefulness faids as I come to the realization that he's here because of me.

"It's not your fault. And I waited for you because I love you. I will always love you, no matter what happens. And I should be sorry. You had to suffer for longer than I ever did. 10 years. I'm sorry."

"Lance it's okay. I would suffer through anything to see you at the end of it. What I'm trying to say is, I love you too. I'm so glad you waited."

I lean in and kiss him, finally happy after waiting for so long. We walk towards a flowered field, talking about expirences we've had since that night.

Lance's Letter to Keith

Dear Keith,

So, I'm sorry. I know this may make you sad or hurt you, but I need to do this. I've been abandoned by everyone I love and I can't take it anymore. But it's not just your fault. I'm not good enough. I'm just some boy from Cuba, I'm not anything special. Please don't be hurt, and please give the other letter to my mami. She'll be upset but she'll get it. I love you and I will wait for you. I love you, and I wish it could have happen. That I could explain this better, but I'm sadly at a loss for words. Ironic cause i never usually shut up. I'll see you soon.


//sorry this is so late and short I was writing it but i get distracted easily and forgot. At least its a happy ending. ish. I completely forgot about Mami's letter, ill add it in a later chapter.//

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