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Type of Oneshot: fluff

   Nostalgia. Most people know its meaning. It means a similar feeling of old times. The nostalgic feeling that were brought to Keith as he stood on that cliff. You know, the one where the geiger counter went off while looking for the Blue Lion? That cliff, brought back the best memories. But if you backtracked a little and went up a small ledge, you found where the best memories were to be made. Lance and Keith had decided to move into that little shack and make it not so little anymore. They wanted to start a family near a place where Keith grew up with his.

   Of course, they don't plan in staying there forever. They want to move to Cuba in about 10 years, hoping to have had a child who lived at least 4 years in the desert. They had everything planned out for the future.

   Keith took one last look off of the cliff and walked back up the ledge towards his home. Their home. He wanted to see the most important part of his future.

   Lance. He was in bed, sleeping lightly wait for his fiance's arrival. He sneaked into bed besides Lance. He in turn, rolled over to face his lover.

   "Hey babe," Lance mumbled in his sleepy voice. It was deeper and rougher than normal. Keith pulled his shirt and pants off. He kneeled on the bed and kissed Lance's cheek.

   "Hey," Keith replied, spreading his legs out only to curl them to himself again. He was facing Lance and they stared at each other in comfortable silence, examining each other's faces.

   Lance outstretched his arms and made grabby hands at Keith, even adding a exaggerated pout to win. Keith rolled over into Lance's arms and placed his face on his collarbone. Lance wrapped his arms around Keith and drew light circles on his back.

   Even if Lance was doing his best "get Keith to sleep" tactics, it wasn't working. Four words were bouncing around his head, and he couldn't get them to stop. Lance noticed immediately something was wrong when Keith shifted uncomfortably in his arms.

   "Keith, babe, what's wrong? Are you alright sweetheart?" Keith hummed and nodded into Lance's chest, hoping that he wouldn't have to tell him. But Lance Knew™. Lance pulled backwards so Keith's face was showing, but he just shoved his face back into Lance's chest. Keith wasn't really upset. More like nervous. Lance pressed kisses as close to Keith's cheek as possible. It tickled and Keith giggled. Then Lance had an idea. He put his hands back at Keith's sides, then starts to violently tickle him.

   Keith busts out laughing and giggling. He's wheezing and panting between laughs so he can breathe. Lance climds on top on Keith and straddles him.

   "I won fair and square! Now please tell me what's bothering you." Keith caught his breath and stared up at his entire world.

   "Okay, fine. But I need to grab something first." Lance stared down at Keith before hesitantly moving a little. Keith reached down to his crumpled jeans on the floor and dug through the pocket. He carefully pulled out a black satin box. Keith held it hidden in both hands before settling beneath Lance once again. Lance look confused as he stared at what was trying to be hidden behind Keith's hands. Keith smiled nervously and opened the box up, revealing a silver and diamond engagement ring.

   "Lance Charles Serrano-McClain, will you marry me?"

   Lance was absolutely stunned. He had to take a minute to process the situation first. The suspense of the moment made Keith's heart pound. This was it. It was the final moment of truth.

   "Yes! Omg yes!" Lance surged foward to cup Keith's face. He rubbed his thumb over it before leaning in and kissing him.

   All Keith could think was thank god for the desert.

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