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Hey, here's surprise smut. I have this situation stuck in my head for a while now so mine as well write it.

Okay, so Keith is watching porn with no intent to actually get himself off. Is that weird? I actually do this quite frequently so I guess it just popped into my head with these characters.

Type of Oneshot: Smut
Who: Klance
Background: The castle has just flown into an area that is able to connect to earth's wifi. The phone now works well enough that Keith is able to browse the internet once again.

   Keith is lying on his bed catching up with everything the internet has to offer. The multiple years he hasn't been able to really use it change his whole perspective of it. But after years of not having it, he realized that the internet was quite lame. Remembering something he used to do when he was particularly uninterested of it on Earth, he clicked off the meme page he was casually scrolling through.  After remembering the website and his login, Keith searched something that he would be interested in.

   He found a good video, getting comfortable. He turned over onto his back and made a contest out of the video. He wanted to see how long it would take for the video to make him fully aroused. It took a surprising amount of time for the porn to finally get to him.

   As the video went on, the moans started to get too loud to just play. He grabbed a pair of headphone he had and attached them to his phone. He turned the volume to max and continued to watch


   "Have you guys seen Keith? He's usually either here eating or training and he's doing neither," Shiro asked. He was concerned that the boy was straying too far away from the team and that they wouldn't be able to form Voltron soon.

   "He's probably just in his room," Lance said, supposedly uninterested by his facial expression. But it was the complete opposite for him. He was wondering what the other boy was doing too. Maybe he was... Lance didn't let himself continue that thought. I mean, between saving the universe and training to do so, a man didn't have much time to relieve, well stress.

   "Maybe he's just masturbating," Pidge blatantly pointed out. Of course, Pidge would say that. It's just something that she would say. Apparently, she and Lance think alike.

   "Really, Pidge." Hunk sounded almost annoyed at this point. "Look it doesn't matter what he's doing. Can someone bring his dinner to him though?" Hunk held up a plate of gross food goo in the air. He had no time to prepare a meal tonight so he let Coran do it for once.

   "Ill do i-," Shiro was interrupted when Lance shouted over him.

   "I'm going to do it!" Lance snagged the plate out of Hunk's hands and rushed down the hall to bring it to the emo.

   Lance knocked on the door swiftly. Without waiting for an answer, he walked into the room. He saw Keith lying on his stomach facing away from the door. Lance set the food on the floor (canon, there isn't really any bedside table or shelf so...) and walked next to Keith. Miraculously, Keith didn't notice. He was too absorbed in the porn he was watching to notice the figure next to.

   Terrified of rejection, regardless Lance placed his legs on both of Keith's sides and sat on the small of his back. Keith expectantly jumped and flipped his phone over so that Lance couldn't see what he was watching. He pulled out one of his headphones and looked up at Lance.

   "What, umm, what are you doing there Lance?"

   "Getting comfortable," Lance laid down on Keith's back. "I wanna watch, flip it back over." Lance reached down and grabbed the earbud dangling around Keith's neck. Lance put his head on Keith's shoulder and the earbud in his ear.

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