There's Two Meanings to Fallen

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Quick angst because this is what this whole story is supposed to be about.

Type of Oneshot: angst
Who: kangst
Resolved: no
Background: Everyone is in battle when Lance is seriously injured. Keith has some things to say and do with Lance while he can.

I made up the year. Im guessing its in the future based on the technology of the atlas. I don't really care though.

I also use voice talk and I tried to fix it as much as I could but if something is messed up just letting you know that that's the reason why. Have a good day :-)

Keith's Journal


Shiro suggested that I write this down because I have too many nightmares about it. Probably not going to help and only bring the memories more forward. But maybe if he doesn't live then I'll be able to remember every single thing that happened. And I'll make sure that everyone else knows because he will never die in vain.

The whole team had been in battle outside of our lions. They had been damaged in the fight continued manually. Lance had gotten into close combat with one of the soldiers and been hurt very badly. I killed that Soldier I made sure that I could get Lance back to safety so that he couldn't get hurt anymore.

"Lance! It's okay buddy I'm going to get you out of here! Just hang in there."

I could tell that Lance was not going to last long with the state that he was in. I grabbed him and carried him piggyback style towards the Castle of Lions. I have so much to tell him, he needs to know. I'm already crying as I begin

"Lance, I just wanted to let you know that I love you and I wish you didn't hate me." I have to tell him this before its too late. "Lance, you were never a seventh wheel. Out of all the paladins, you made me the proudest. You never fail to amaze me each and every day. You're my, our cool ninja sharpshooter and we need you to live. I need you too live! Cause if you're gone I have nothing to live for. You are the only one who keeps me grounded and I might go crazy with out you."

Lance, I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you. So so much."

"Hey Keith, when I say Vol, you say.." Lance's voice faintly said behind me.

I gasp, happy he's still conscious and alive. But he sounds so weak. It makes me start to sob even harder. "V-voltron," I manage to get out. There's no more motion or commotion behind me as Lance falls unconscious again.

I finally make it to the castle and to the healing pods, making sure that he's hooked in correctly. I wanted to stay, I really did but there was nothing that I could do. I had to leave to go fight. I was going to show the world that Lance McClain would never ever be forgotten that he would not die in vain. If he, you know, died.

Day 2 without Lance

After battle my first priority to go check on Lance's progress. I went to Healing pods, and sat down next to Lance's. I spent most of my time there, not eating or sleeping because I felt guilty because Lance couldn't do this. Maybe there was something that I could have done to protect him? I know that it's not, I feel like it's my fault. If you he makes it out of this alive, he'll hate me. I told him that I loved him. He is going to hate me so much.


It's been days and I eventually had to leave his side, but only because I was dragged out of that room by Shiro. To be honest there's probably scratch marks on the ground from where I dug my nails in. I just don't want to leave his side ever. I want to make sure that Lance is going to be okay, that he's not going to be alone when he finally comes out of that pod. Maybe I should try and sleep, but I'm scared of the nightmares that I'm going to get from that night. Because the scariest thing that ever happened to me, it's losing him.

Shiro reads through Keith's journal, grieving over the loss of him and the loss of Lance. Lance had unfortunately not made out of that pod alive. And Keith, he was too grief-stricken to do anything. He couldn't eat, he couldn't walk, he refused to talk, and would not function properly without him around anymore. Keith couldn't go on longer, he was just too sad. So he didn't. He committed suicide to end his pain. Now, Shiro sits around with the team, and the two new paladins to replace them, grieving over the loss of Lance and Keith.


Pidge slowly looked up at the team. She had her head down and she been crying. She wanted to know what to say to finally be able to come and honor their death.

"Let's give a final goodbye to Klance," she said. The team about their heads together and silently gave their goodbyes to the two fallen members of Voltron.

I'm going to explain the chapter name. So what I mean by two meanings for fallen is that Keith had fallen for Lance and the two characters had, you know, died and there's a saying like pray for the Fallen or something like that. It's kind of hard to pick up on someone to explain it.

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