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School/first kiss

Type of Oneshot: Fluff

   Lance and Keith were sitting outside eating their lunch. Their school lets the seniors eat outside if they wanted, and it was nice outside so they decided to go out.

   Keith was quiet while Lance kept talking and talking. It was kind of getting annoying to Keith and he was feeling particularly brave today.

   Keith put his hand on top of Lance's outstretched one. He looked ahead and refused to look a Lance when he turned to face him. Well a peek won't hurt. Keith gave in and turned to face Lance. Lance stared back as he intertwined their fingers together and continued the conversation.

   As Keith got more interested in the topic, he started talking more. He completely forgot the plan he had in mind until Lance scooted closer to Keith and let go of his hand. Lance wrapped both arms around Keith's torso and placed his head on Keith's shoulder.

   "I really need a hug. Is this okay?" Keith sat frozen for a minute before being able to respond.

   "Yeah it's okay. Is everything alright?"

   "Its peachy keen. Fantastic even." Lance sighed and buried his face within the jacket Keith was wearing

   "Enough sarcasim. What's going on?"

   "I've just felt down lately. I don't want to talk about it, so can you just hug me."

   "Yeah, Lance, whatever you want." Keith tightens his grip around Lance a little. They sit like that for the rest of lunch. When the bell rings, Lance moves away from Keith and grabs his lunch bag.

   "See ya later, Samurai."

   "Lance wait!" Keith stood up fast and placed his hands on either side of Lance's face. He kissed him softly and pulled off. "Sorry, I should have asked, but I really needed to do that."

   Lance takes a step forward. He mimicks Keith actions and kisses him too. "Good."

//this wasnt the long thing im working on, dont worry//

Lean On Me || Klance Angst Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن