Me Too!

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Type of Oneshot: Angst
Who: Kangst
Resolved: Eh? Your opinion
Background: Keith and Lance get into a petty fight after an extremely stressful mission and Lance ends up saying the wrong thing to Keith. Something that gets an upsetting answer.

   Keith and Lance had been having a dumb fight over the coms. It was about something risky that Keith had done for the expense of the team. Both were frustrated that the other wasn't understanding their side of things. Keith wanted Lance to understand that he did it for the team and that all of them were more important than just himself. Lance was trying to convince Keith that he was just as important as the rest of the team and that he shouldn't think otherwise. Now that I think about it, the fight wasn't so stupid. But the fighting was. It was obvious that both of them cared deeply for the other and they wanted to show just how much they actually cared. The fight continued until they finally landed in their hangers both exited their lions immediately and met each other in the hallway, both pissed and fighting strongly for their point.

   But things went bad when insults were added to the mix.

   "Stop being so stupid and listen to me!"

   "I'm not stupid!"

   "Yes, you are! You're a stupid, ignorant bitch who doesn't understand that you're not allowed to tell me what to do!"

   "I've just hung around you too much, that's all!"

   "You know what, I hate you!"

   "Yeah, well I hate me too!"

   "He-! Wait, what?"

   "You heard me!"

   "Why would you think that?"

   "The same reason that you hate me. I am a hot-head emo who has no self-control, or friends for that matter!"

   "Keith, I don't really hate you, I was just mad. I was mad because I don't hate you. Do you really think I would care so much about you doing that for the team if I hated you?" Lances tone became more gentle.  "Why would I care whether or not someone I hated was dead?"

   Keith didn't answer quite yet, only folding his arms over his chest and shrugging. He turned away from Lance, suddenly painfully aware that he couldn't stop the tears pooling in the corners of his eyes. He used all his strength not to blink and let the tears fall. He jumped suddenly when he felt an unexpected weight was on his shoulders. The weight, that he figured was Lance, shifted in a way that made him turn around. Lance held him by arm length from his body. He looked Keith up and down before pulling him into a hug.

   And that's when it happened.

   Keith officially lost control and broke down right in Lance's arms. He cried into his shoulder, dampening his chest plate. But Lance didn't mind as he only gripped Keith tighter. He was whispering 'I'm sorry' over and over into the top of Keith's hair.

   When Keith was finally composed enough to hear Lances whispering,  he removed his head from Lance's shoulder.

   "Why are you sorry?"

   "Cuz I said 'I hate you' and made you cry. I bet you actually hate me now."

   "I could never hate you. That's because I love you too much"

   "I'm sorry."  

//Hey, guys, I'll be able to update more. Although I took a break for mental health and that didn't change at all, I got a laptop now. Typing on a phone is hard. The diffrence is so weird. Sorry, I said this would be about Shiro and its not. Soon, okay?//

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