Chapter 24: Forgiving?

Start from the beginning

A sly smile appeared in Feiyun's face.

"Oh? So what do you want to tell me?"

The man quickly swallowed, his throat dry and itchy. He hasn't had a single drink since his capture.

"E-everything! Anything you want to know."

"Stop! We'll break for camp."

The entire group came to a halt. The man sigh out in relief. Finally after walking for more than 12 hours without food, water or rest. He dropped to the floor, his legs weak and exhausted. his body drenched with sweat, blood and mud, walking and falling non-stop under the burning sun and humid forest.

As the guards went about setting up, Feiyun sat in the carriage, leaning out the window, her eyes staring down on the man slumped on the floor.

"Who, what, where, why, when."

The man looked up and understood. At this point what's the use in hiding anything. The woman in front of him wouldn't spare a glance or care whether he dies walking behind their carriage.

"P-prince Ruofeng... We work for the prince. He told my leader to assassinate..."

Hesitating to continue, the man glanced to the inside of the carriage. The whole journey he hadn't even had a glimpse of Tianhuo, only heard his voice occasionally. Who didn't know of the merciless god of war, he could already feel his throat getting sliced through.

"A-assassinate the 4th long as he doesn't return to the capital it doesn't matter where or how. That's all I know."


Feiyun rose an eyebrow as she observed every detail and movement of the man's face.

"Truly! I, Luanlu, didn't lie to your highness!"

The man pleaded with both his hands together. Watching Feiyun hoping the young girl would turn soft-hearted and release him.

"Oh. Then this?"

Feiyun dangled a small pouch that FeiDu had recovered.

"T-thats... aphrodisiac...b-boss wanted to have fun before killing..."

Unable to look at the girl who was holding on to his pouch. Praying hard she didn't realise that the name on the pouch was the very same name he just mentioned. Looking through his nervous and lying eyes was more than easy for Feiyun.

"Lu-An-Lu. "

Feiyun spelt out the characters written on the pouch word for word.

"So Sir leader, why are you pretending there's another leader?"

A smirk appeared on Feiyun's face. Such an easy opponent, to call himself an assassin, if this is their leader, the rest must be a disappointment.


"Don't need to say anything. I'll let you go back. "

With a flick of her finger, Feiyun sent a silver needle right into Luanlu's neck. His eyes rolling back as he crumpled to the ground.

"Get one of our guys to send him back along with this letter."

Feiyun already knew that the one behind this could only be the crown prince, having prepared in advance a greeting letter, she took it out and passed it on to one of the shadows kneeling close to the carriage with Luanlu's body flung over his shoulder.

"Princess sure is forgiving."

Ruyi dusted his hands as he place down the firewood, his eyes watching Luanlu and the shadow as they fade into the distance towards the capital.

Feixu agreed as she place down the hunted pheasant.

"Master Feiyun has always been a kind soul."

FeiAn flicked Feixu's forehead. Settling down beside her.

"Idiot... he was being sarcastic. Sending an assassin back all tied up with a letter, that just says he have revealed everything. I wonder if dying by princess's hands or the crown prince is worse."

Rubbing the reddish spot between her eyebrow, Feixu stared daggers at Ruyi who simply smiled like a crafty fox and escaped towards the carriage.

"Princess, would you like me to bring over the stew once we're done cooking?"

Poking her head out the curtains, Feiyun beamed like a little child.

"No! I want to stretch my legs. Sitting in this carriage all day is even more tiring. Tianhuo let's go!"

Just as she was about to leave, Tianhuo pulled her back and quickly slipped on a coat over her shoulders. Watching Feiyun blush red as she escaped off the carriage, a warm smile flashed through Tianhuo's eyes as he followed slowly.

Sitting along side each other, in front of the warm fire, Feiyun caught Tianhuo staring blankly into space. The orange fire reflecting in his dark blue eyes, flickering and crackling. Rarely did he show any signs of unawareness.

Poking his cheek with a finger, Feiyun drew his attention back.

"What's wrong?"

Tianhuo stared blankly at Feiyun, then realised she had asked him a question.

"Hmm... The Southern Bu lords are known for their Archers. The West are at a disadvantage."

Feiyun figured it had something to do with the war.Nodding her head, she turned towards Ruyi hinting for some sort of elaboration. Tianhuo simply was a man of little words.

Upon recieving her stare, Ruyi simply let out a small sigh as he explained.

"As Princess knows, there are 4 main armies in Xing.

In the North is the Blue Dragons, in the South is the Yellow Vermilion bird, the East holds the Red Turtle and the West the White tigers.

The main job of the Blue dragons is guarding the most important border, the North which connects to many other countries.

While the Red Turtles guards the sea. The West is an open grassland and the South is a steep rocky mountainous landscape.

So to say, bringing the Tigers of the west whose experience is in open battlefield to fight against the Northen Bu lords who have adapted to the rocky mountains is simply a death wish.

Apparently their archers are one of the best, some even shooting 3 arrows at a time. Swift and deadly aim with enough impact to burst holes in the ground. "

"Ohh? That is called 'the best' ? "

Tianhuo glanced at Feiyun's cheeky expression. The crease between his brow softening up.

'this little lioness must have something up her sleeve.'



Hi!!! thanks for waiting! I seriously cant wait to finish the next chapter! Will try my best to finish up soon! hehehehe <3


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