A New Start

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Vespasian laughed and clapped his hands once as if coming to an important decision, “Excellent. You have such an amazing voice I thought it could be put to much better use than simply hearing your backtalk. From now on, you will be my personal secretary. You will read my dispatches and bulletins so I can spare my eyes the trouble of having to squint at tiny letters. But for now, I think it’ll suffice to have you reading to me in the evenings. There’s nothing to do on these boat rides. There’s a book shelf over there,” he said, gesturing to a small cabinet full of common texts, poetry, and novels, “pick something interesting and maybe for an hour or two you can read to me. Much better than being beaten or fucked eh?” He laughed again and tapped the pile of clothes, “I gave you a simple bedroom robe, but if you prefer to stroll around in public like that, looking like some madwoman, that’s fine with me. Or you can wear this nice skirt, blouse, corset, and Gods know how many other names you women have for your clothes. Regardless of what you wear, you won’t be wearing them long when I’m around I can assure you.” He winked and laughed again. It wasn’t really hilarious. He was bored and there was still a few more days of this sea voyage left before they reached Cornealia. He needed to entertain himself somehow.

The day wore on and Vespasian began to heckle Celestia about her education. He questioned her about philosophy and ethics, not really caring for the opinions she had but trying to gleam the level of intelligence behind that pretty face. There was more to her than met the eye and he felt as if there were things she was hiding from him. He had the idea that she was some sort of nobility, based on her etiquette over minor things which he was starting to notice; the way she ate, how she carried herself, even the way she spoke. When he acted childish or immature, she took on a look of indignation as if she was above it. Vespasian decided that she must have been spoiled, but in truth, he had no idea to what her background might have been. He told he who he was, but that didn’t bring anything forth. No Lady demands for ransom or honorable interactions, she just took everything in stride and kept her defiance hidden. Day turned into evening, he allowed her to eat though not without disturbance from his teasing, and he had her read to him until he felt bored and sleepy. Vespasian enjoyed a good story but he seemed more hypnotized by her voice than by the actual words she spoke. Night came and the same procedure as the last happened; her clothes were removed and she was forcibly fucked same as before, on bottom and her mouth shut by his hand to keep her whining to herself. The days following kept this sort of pattern.

Finally on the last day of voyage, there was a shout and a hubbub of voices from the deck as land was spotted. Outside, Vespasian led a fully dressed Celestia out by the railing to look at the coming coastline. White beaches rose out of the water to meet a green landscape that flowed happily into the rolling hills beyond. A great range of mountains started from these hills and extended northwards along the coast. But more exception was the city nestled between the depression of the first mountain and the smaller hills. Even from their distance, it seemed a great city, with gleaming white walls and high pinnacles of tall buildings and apartments. A great harbor stretched out into the blue waters and even now, other ships were starting to appear out of the morning gloom, coming or going. Vespasian put an arm around Celestia’s waist and pulled her closer, “Have you seen anything like it? To be welcomed home by such a sight, it takes my breath away every time. Have you ever been in a metropolis of hundreds of thousands of souls? Don’t worry though, we won’t be staying long. I just need to tell my superiors,” which was his father, the current King and Emperor of many others, “of what I discovered across the wide sea. Be good now, and maybe I’ll exclude your village from the list of potential targets for conquering and glory. Do you know how to curtsey and all that? Well throw that over the railing because my father likes direct people.”

It took another two hours before they reached the coast, and the city grew larger and larger until the walls loomed above them. The wall consisted of massive blocks of quarried stone put together, and on the outside there were vast murals of painted battles or other great events from Cornealian history. Once they were allowed inside the harbour walls, the order of ships and sea lanes became more organized. Rows of ships waited to be granted wharf access but theirs was granted immediate passage, for was the Prince of Cornealia not on board? They quickly docked, the crew scrambled about their duties, and a gangplank was thrown from the high hull to the lower dock. “Careful now,” Vespasian teased as he made Celestia walk in front of him. Hundreds of merchants, sailors, guards, and ordinary people strolled about, but quickly made room as Vespasian’s guards trampled in front of the Prince and his captive. Further ahead, a marching band began to play a short tune as the door to an awaiting carriage was opened. Drawn by four white horses with ceremonial armor and helmet plumes, it was an extravagant coach with fancy seats and even a bar. Holding Vespasian’s hand, it would be clear to her that he was annoyed by the music. Once they were seated inside the carriage, side-by-side, the door was closed for them and the sound of a whip was heard. They lurched forward into the wide, paved streets of the city, “Welcome to Nicomedia.” Vespasian said in a monotone voice to Celestia as they rode.

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