Part 2

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Not even caring "if" she had cum or not, she was badly in desperate to know when this finger fucking was going to end, which still continued and feel his fingers rapidly thrust in her small pussy while she still struggled against his strong grips; the hard finger fucking thrusts felt like hours besides minutes; Celestia really hopped it ended soon. In the meantime for now, she lowly cried to herself more. As time passed on and only sudden silence can be heard, Celestia's desire soon came true when she felt Vespasian's violate fingers stopped and withdrew out from her pussy and released her from his grip. With that sudden freedom and air now circling around her body and cooling of her body once she got space she needed, Celestia was able to breathe again, and groaned with relief for that. It was good again to have that same relieve that her body was having. However, her pussy ached with pain by the violate thrusting she was getting in return, and hated how it was throbbing her as it was known currently reddened with her juices surrounding it. Celestia just hoped this was the "last" time it happens. But something strange inside her told her it wasn't over. She quickly glanced over to Vespasian himself, who now sacking his wet fingers and grinning evilly. She gulped but yet felt disgusted at the same time.

Her eyes then following the movement of Vespasian's footsteps as she watched him walk to the end of the bed, she raised an eyebrow. What was he going to do next? Suddenly, without a single warning or sign, Celestia felt a rough grasp when it grabbed for her ankles and dragged her across the sheets before feeling the wrapped that was around his body, which were her legs doing the wrap. She gasped by the sudden action. She could already feel his rock hard cock pressing against her thigh, close to her womenhood; it was already uncomfortable. She then felt it began to rub up and down her, making it even more uncomfortable to move along with. Even though Celestia still loud and clearly heard Vespasian give out his warning she was eventually going to scream or cry anyway; this was her first time and she had a lot to experience or learn. And with that, she unexpectedly felt his cock slowly managing its way to the entrance of womenhood and forcibly inserted in, causing Celestia to scream and tilt her head back, with full time pain. His gasp of pleasure shocked her as she wondered this must be joke and knew he couldn't be serious. He found this pleasurably? Not pain? She then suddenly felt him thrust inside her with intensity he had earlier; and it wasn't pretty.

"You're too big!" Celestia exclaimed tightly closing her eyes, moving her hands to the sheets once more and holding onto them tightly, not caring if it was possibly to rip apart; her main problem was the pain she was experiencing at this moment. With the powerful thrust he was making and the bumpy bounces of her breast was doing by the hyperness, it certainly caused her pain. But luckily he finally slower his pace and makes it more easier for her breathe then. And pain to ease. She was grateful by his "generosity"....if he had any... - However, it still ached her.

Kidnapped and Pregnant with Prince's Babyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن