Part 3

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With a regretfully laugh, he began to stroll dangerously towards her, "First a pompous knight tries to stop me and now this..." Upon reaching her, he abruptly backhands her harshly across her face, sending her sprawling to the floor. "What do you think this is, slave? A vacation cruise to the spice islands in the south? Your past life is over, finished. Ripped up and torn to shreds, decapitated like I did that friend of yours. He was a friend of yours wasn't he?" Vespasian let out a roar of laughter, guessing it was true. "Oh I bet you two had relations too? Was he your future husband-to-be? Or maybe he was, it makes no difference. I should have kept his head!" He kept laughing down at her for a moment before going serious again, running a hand down his face as he considered what to do next with his prize. This action only served to smear the blood down across his face, giving him a fiercer and more barbaric look.

Without any more words, he seizes down upon her and grabs her by the hair, pulling her onto the nearby bed. "Not very nice, is it?" He coons mockingly to her, "I really like how you look so don't give me cause to have to rough you up a little to co-operate. This can either be very painful or very pleasure, albeit a little painful in the beginning of that." He said with a smirk, before continuing, "I hope we understand each other a little better now so lets try this again. You will disrobe or I'll forcibly tear your dress off and feed it to the fires. You can go through the rest of the voyage in complete nakedness." He hoped that would bring her down a peg and force her to co-operate with his desires. Not that it really mattered if she refused, because he would then just keep her locked up in his room the entire time, arms and feet bound to prevent escape. He wasn't a cruel man by nature, and if she submitted easily to him then she would be better taken care of, but he couldn't explain that. This wasn't a contract, as she desired, but a new conditioning of nature, like the purchase of a pet from one owner to another. New rules and boundaries had to be set, and disobedience was intolerable.

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