Part 2

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“Suit yourself.” Vespasian replied, proceeding to stuff his mouth with all the food in front of him. He didn’t eat like a barbarian, but rather in deliberate, calculated bites as if he were on ceremony. He chewed his bread slowly, drank his soup without slurping, and wiped his mouth often when he felt something was wrong. But he did put up in feet on another chair in an informal manner. The day was going to be long and boring, as most sea journeys were, and he couldn’t even begin to comprehend how he would fill in the long hours. He ignored his captive for the most part, simply staring at her with intimidating eyes and his usual arrogant semi-permanent smirk. When the meal was completely done, he pushed the tray away and sighed happily, tapping his stomach several times in satisfaction. He then poured a tall goblet of wine and drank the entire content down, getting his mind flowing and setting himself up for the day. Finally he addressed her questions.

“I’ll stop calling you little lady when you finally give me a name. I have plenty of others we could use for you though, such as slave or whore. Very offensive, I would think.” Vespasian said, looking at her intently as she sat up and faced him. She wasn’t going to beg for clothing this time? They were still neatly folded on the table beside him, but that would require her to expose herself in front of him, which was something he guessed she was loath to do. “As for introducing myself, I guess it would help you understand the situation you’re in. Very well.” He clapped his hands together once and sat his feet firmly on the ground before standing up. He stood rigid as if he were on parade, and brought his arm over his breast in a salute, “I am Prince Vespasian Constantine of the Cornealian Empire, at your service.” He finished promptly, bowing low in a mock gesture to her, “So I told. Now it’s your turn.”

Kidnapped and Pregnant with Prince's Babyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें