I have a Name

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With that being said, Celestia's eyes quickly shot up; but her body still continued to lay motionless on the soft mattress as she was too lazy to raise up into a sitting position, especially after from her long night. Which was also another reason why she was motionless - and maybe stiff. But overall, Celestia had a very relaxing sleep, over the night - and must say it was shocking to her. For some reason she thought he was probably going to -who knows- disturbed her while she was resting and might force her to do other master and slave related stuff; but it luckily didn't turn to that direction. Instead, a peacefully night, but a rather cling together one. Though this would have to be the first time Celestia ever got a good sleep like that, and probably for her entire life. And enjoyed it...It was like her ears can still hear the gentle sound of the waves as it rocked the ship side to side; birds happily singing before the moonlight; but in a peaceful matter. It was like music to Celestia's ears. And mostly importantly, her body missing the warm clothing that she desperately needed.

As the young princess continued to lay on the soft mattress, not saying a single word, she finally sits up a minute after she got the strength to. When Celestia pulled herself up in a sitting position and picked up a pillow and rested behind her back, she then leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest and slightly huffed. "Can you not call me "little lady"?" Celestia started her morning with a annoyed question as she passed a hand to her eye and began to rub the sleep off her eyes. "How would you feel if someone called you 'little'? - And I'm not hungry...I'm still full from mine last night "meal" She soon commented after asking her question and adding in a shrug. However, Celestia wouldn't really consider the food or fruits she ate, from yesterday, not really a meal. More like a snack, in fact. And Celestia was really beginning to get hungry. The food smelled so good it always made her stomach growl. "Anyway, devour it all. I don't care...." She bit her lips and turned to Vespasian then. "Also, when are you going to introduce yourself?

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