The Rival

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Celestia's POV

New master? Celestia thought confusingly as they were closing in the ships. How come she didn't see this before? Now everything made sense. Taken away from her kingdom, having guards behind her back, a personal master who thinks he can do whatever he want, and now turning to a salve?! This couldn't be happened. For Celestia, she was really close to arguing the young man for making such decision and protest she wasn't going to be salve, but something soon paused her from continuing. Finding herself aboard the ship and unaware the men was beginning to mount off their houses and back to their feet, a startle grasped from the hips surprised Celestia as she was risen up and back her onto feet which was so weak at the moment and struggling to stand properly after the long journey they had. And unexpectedly felt one of his hand trailed down to her thighs as it was unwelcome to be at, plus, wrong. A small growl in defense in warning.

Luckily his hands quickly removed her body, as the guard appeared to be out of shape and breathing like a wild dog. And looked like something was up. Staying at the very same spot she landed when Vespasian helped her off, she quietly listened to the speak and managed to overheard other guards was coming to get her. So they did known? With that been said, Celestia innocently gazed up at Vespasian who raised eyebrows looking not surprised or terrified by the facial expression he had, and guessed he was rather glad to have "visitors"? This looked like a dirty fight. Biting her lips in discomfort Celestia could already tell it was men who was sent out from her father's kingdom and knew they coming to save her, but did they knew Vespasian was here? "Please...don't hurt them" She daringly pleaded to him, her heart beating fast. Having a frightening look on her face while a cruel smile appeared on his face, she instantly shook her head no and straightaway knew what he was going to do. And it was not going to be pretty that's for sure. Again, hands suddenly approached to her once more and roughly grabbed by the arms as they held her tightly in one spot near the shore, and wondered what they were going to do to other guards that came to rescue her.

Gazing at the soldiers that were followed by Vespasian and taken into battle, Celestia managed to take a peak some of the solider's unique weapons which was bow and arrows, larger than usual ones and more dangerous like any other bows. Now, her father's men were the same customary soldiers that had same techniques and weapons from previous battles. In the lead of the large group of men, was Knight John Smith with his large sword in his hands and shield by his side. His silver Armour shining brightly from the sun's glare as he was coming towards Vespasian in steady pace, yet pretty calm from what it looks like and definitely didn't look scared at all. He had light pale skin with dark color eyes and had quiet a muscular body but a slender young man somewhere in twenties. He stayed on his horse as he slowly approached to the prince and smiled down at him, with a hint of smirk pulling in his lips before trailing them to the princess. After a couple seconds later, he then said, "Did you really think we wouldn't find out? I think you have something that rightful ours" John simply said, his eyes back on Vespasian. "If you don't return her to us, then we'll forcefully take her back..."

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