Part 4

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It took her a minute to finally realize she was up and hidden in the chambers, away from the crowds of many welcoming people. In the background, she can still hear the drums and cheers continuing from the people outside; it was, as if, they were right close to the door waiting to come in to greet the prince's possession. Celestia was terrified at the moment; she wasn't suppose to be here. Her family and her father (most importantly) were in the sack for her presences. Not to long ago Vespasian killed one of her father's trusted men's and caused a blood bath for many. Already, she can picture the moment of her dreadful sakes soon rising to confront and warmth; the welcoming warmth of her father's arms would be glorified for many people.

Her eyes blinking she moved in reality and remember her ground - she took a step forward. Slowly she looked down at the chambers floors and watched as his foot shifted with unease; he was waiting for an answer. At this moment Celestia didn't know what to say as a response, she was still lost and confused for the most part, and mostly horrible in the inside. Her virginity was taken to a man she hardly knew, her face was fill with blistered and remakes from his horrible pinches and slaps. Even punches. No wonder he have a woman to love.

The clothes that were provided, during her trips on the ship, was raggy and nowhere near for a princess to wear. Most of her clothes she had before were thrown to the fire and melted into dust. It was an embarrassment for Celestia to dress such a way like this, no wonder she got the eyes and disgusted looks. She hoped no one thought she was a hoe.

"I'm waiting" A deep voice interrupted her thoughts.

Slowly she turned looked up to the man who was waiting. Standing there with heartbroken face and unbeaten heart she didn't managed to find the words: Just home was in the process if throught. "Easy for you to say...I just want to go home." Again, Celestia felt the fresh burning tears forming in eyes she quickly looked away and wishing for him to be gone by now. Regardless, he stood there and just watched, smirking beyond the charts.

After the princess heard him mentioned bath she instantly jumped. The thought of bathing brought just hopes for her body, which haven't bathed in days. Just bathing in sweat and disgusting sex. "Bath? Well, that's something to start off for the day..." she groaned and walked off. Until she stopped. "Wait, bath as by myself...or..." she paused, already hating where this was going. Finally, she got the memo; she groaned then. "Please. May I bath by myself for once? I did everything for you already. I just want to do something for me for once...and just relax. Please" she begged, wishing to go on her knees like a hungry man begging for money and food. But she wasn't on planning do it since it would only bring pleasure for Vespasian.

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