The Journey Begin

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Celestia's POV

Halting in a sudden stop for some reason Celestia re-opened her eyes to see what the hold up and noticed she was only half way down the fall, but still high up. Suddenly looking to her side, she noticed the guy has finally caught up with her smiling, and really pushing to her last nerves. Just praying to herself to get this out of the way already. Now unexpectedly feeling the touch of their body pressing against each other Celestia couldn't help but pulled a disgusted face, and placed a hand on his chest and most likely pushing him away from her. She didn't want him anywhere near her, or even touching her. Until suddenly that touch of their bodies pressing against each other was gone, and the haltfeelinging soon resumed to the last remaining fall before crashing on land with a hard bang against the head.

Rolling over a few times after the great fall from her room to land - that would be the last time Celestia would ever do a such a terrifying thing, her body couldn't stop shaking while doing her craziest moment. And when she hit flat against the ground before even rolling over, she instantly heard one of her jolts crack and felt one her hips aching in pain. Now, she really broke 'a nail' this time. With a groan in pain, her eyes looked up to the bright sky before turning to the him, with her bare teeth snarling at him. With no consideration of curiosity or asking if she's alright, he was "sweet' men alright and fresh too. Now lifted up and back to her feet, the young princess quickly pulled away and scramble her hands at the men so he wouldn't touch, after he was done untying the remaining rope that was on her waist. Which she pretty thankful for; it was squeezing her belly way to hard, espically for the blood circulation. However, she still didn't want to be touched.

Looking back where she came from and lived in, she noticed the long line which was the rope and saw it was still attached to her room and knew there weren't much they could about it but just leave it as that. She might as well have worry parents then and guards on the hunt for the missing princess. Her eyes then sadly trailing off and to the guy, she watched him again as he did something with rope again,like back then and which she had no clue of. When he grabbed her both hands out of his reach while she was off guard and began to tie around them, binding them together in a tight manner without her permission; she however didn't say anything, just looked at him with a straight face. "Was that really necessary?" The young princess questioned him, not really caring if he still explained his reasons which didn't make any sense to her. Beginning to walk back to whatever he came from with his arm now extended to her elbow as she now couldn't go anywhere and had to be dragged across in order to know where she was going. Of course, she had no other choice but to followed. She slowly nodding her head when he made his warning.

Hating the fact she been called these names for the passed hour and a half, she certainly didn't like it and won't allow it. "Of course I have a name. Do you have a name, Thief taker? She simply said repeating the question back to him, not minding giving a [little] personal name for him as well.

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