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"Aren't we going to that restaurant down the street?" Rikuto asked, playing with his fingers.

"I think so, right Nash?" Ren and the others turned to look at Nash who was texting on his phone.

"Yea, we are. I heard it just opened up. We gotta check it out."

As they walked to the restaurant, Sage tripped on a rock and fell on his face. The boys stopped and looked at him as he continued to stay in the position he fell.

"Sage, are you kidding me right now? You were so tired that you were about to fall asleep while walking...?" Gin said, trying to hold his laugh in.

"Here, I'll help you up."

Kaido went over to Sage to help him get up. There was a noticeable scratch on his forehead.

"Good grief, you're always getting hurt."

The boys watched as Kaido stuck a bandaid onto Sage's forehead.

"Thank you."

Minutes later, they arrived at the restaurant. Nash had opened the door for everyone as they walked in.

Suddenly, all eyes were on the six boys. A waiter quickly came to assist them.

"Welcome! A table for six?" She asked, counting all six of the boys.

Nash nodded and all the boys followed the waiter to their table.

"I can take your drinks right now if you'd like."

"We'd all like Dr. Pepper." Gin said, winking at the waiter, making her blush.

"Sure thing! You can take a look at our menu while I go get your drinks."

The boys watched as the waiter scurried off.

"Damn, she's cute."

"Gin, shut up. You're always trying to flirt with any girl you see. I didn't even want Dr. Pepper." Ren said. "Anyways, we should go to the movies after this."

"It might be too late to do the movies after eating," Rikuto added.

"I want a triple burger with loaded fries," Sage said, pointing to it on the menu.

Everyone looked at him as if he was crazy.

"All you do is eat and sleep."

"It's okay! Sage, you can eat all you want, the bill is on me." Kaido said, smiling at Sage who was scanning the menu up and down.

"Hey look..." Gin said, pointing to a table near them.

"Is that guy really harassing those girls...?"

Rikuto looked disgusted as he watched the girls try to shoo the guy off.

"Say, let's go to my house tonight? It'll be fun."

"No thanks. Can you please leave us alone?"

"Yeah, If you don't leave us alone I'll call the cops."

Ren suddenly got up and grabbed a cup of water from another table nobody was sitting at.

"Is he really going to do that here...?" Kaido mumbled.

Nash shrugged his shoulders, while Sage placed his head down on the table.

"Oh no!" Ren yelled, bumping into the guy that was harassing the two girls. The water from the cup had spilled onto his clothes.

"Watch where you're walking, you piece of shit!"

The two girls looked at Ren, as he apologized to the man.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you."

The man continued to yell at Ren. Gin flicked Sage on the shoulder, making him sit up.

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