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"The crescent kinesis? What a terrible group." Kei said, walking back and forth. He then took a seat and stared at Sage who was tied to a chair, still knocked out.

"Sir, is there anything else I should do?"

"Did anyone see you bring him?" He asked, watching Jet gulp.

"...Yes sir. I will handle it."

"Good. Now help me change his clothes. We cannot eat a meal while he looks like that."

"Yes sir."

Saya arrived at Rikuto's house with Reia on her back. Kaido helped her lay Reia down on the couch while she caught her breath.

"I was on a date, why was I called here as if there was an emergency." Gin said, rolling his eyes.

"There is an emergency! Sage is gone, nowhere to be seen!"

"Saya... Are you sure?" Rikuto mumbled, "I mean, he never gets taken out that easily... How do we even find him?"

"There's only one way..."

"Please don't do anything crazy," Hanako said.

"The guy who took him said he'll come back to kill me... So we can wait for his return and get some answers or-"

"Or beat his ass and get some answers the hard way," Nash said, cracking his knuckles.

"What should we do about the little girl?"

Ren pulled a blanket over Reia but was quickly scared when Mai's room door opened. He ran towards Kaido to hide behind him.

"Ren calm down, I'm not gonna do anything. I'll watch the girl." Mai said, pushing her brother out of the way to get to Reia.

"You could've said excuse me."

"Enough talk. Let's go!" Kaido demanded.

The boys looked at him as he was determined to save Sage.

"We know you mainly want to save Sage, but you're the only one here along with Hanako and Saya who doesn't have any powers. You need to be careful." Nash said, "we care about you too you know."

"Sage has always been willing to die for me, what do you think I'm willing to do?!"

"Kaido, you-"

"Let's go! Now!"

Sage slowly opened his eyes to be seated at a huge table. He looked down to see that he was tied to a chair.

"You're awake, Kuro."

A bullet of panic rose in his throat. Although Sage was powerless, he could feel the intense amount of power that filled the room. Fear was squeezing the air from his lungs.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you."

Sage looked forward to see Kei sitting there smiling at him. His eyes were so sharp that Sage could feel him stabbing him in the back.

"It's been a while Kuro. I can't believe you almost killed me back then-"

"I tried to save you-"

He quickly flinched as a fork flew right by his face.

"Don't interrupt me while I'm speaking."

Kei stood up and walked over to Sage who stared into space.

"Say... how does it feel to be powerless?" He said, wrapping his hands around Sage's neck.

"I'm... sorry."

He repeatedly told Kei that he was sorry until streams of tears fell from his eyes.

"How silly." He laughed, watching Sage gasp for air. He finally let go once he noticed he was losing consciousness.

The Crescent Kinesis Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ