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There were about thirty minutes left until the New Year. The party had still been going. Sage had been looking for Kaido, but he gave up and decided to eat whatever he could find.

"Saaaaaaage!" Rikuto sang, twirling towards him with his bowl of mayonnaise.

His eyes immediately looked at the bowl, later filling his face with disgust.

"One step closer and I'll teleport you onto the other side of Earth."

"But... I was going to ask you to eat this," Rikuto replied, watching Sage glare at him.

"You've ruined my appetite. I'll give you five seconds to get out of my sight."

Rikuto threw the bowl of mayonnaise toward Sage, but he was able to dodge it. The two stared at one another until Rikuto ran off in fear.

Saya trembled in fear as she watched Kei dig into his pockets.

"Here." He said, handing her a small envelope.

"What do I do with this-"

"Just give it to Kuro. If you don't I'll kill him and all of his friends. I'll also kill you and-"

"I'll give it to him! Just... Don't hurt us."

"Good girl. If you try anything I'll have you erased on the spot." He said, caressing her cheek.

He watched as she slowly backed away, later heading into the school.

Hanako spotted Ren talking with Mai. She thought about approaching him but decided to stay back and watch.

"Look I know you're mad at me for earlier, but that's beside the point. I'm looking for my brother, where is he?"

"Dunno," Ren replied, after shrugging his shoulders. "Go look for him."

"You're so lame, but I like it. Let's go look for him together!"

She smiled and was about to take his hand until Rikuto ran in between them.

"You need to help me! Sage... He's going to kill me!"

Ren's expression turned from cold to concerned.

"What did you do?"

"Rikuto," Sage said.

The three turned around to see Sage standing there. He had chased Rikuto so much that he was struggling for air.

"Sage I apologized a million times!"

"A million is not enough!"

"Wait! Saya is behind you!"

"I'm not falling for that." He replied, walking towards him. Mai grabbed onto Rikuto so he wouldn't run away.

"I'm being serious!"

Sage then stopped after feeling a few taps on his back. He turned around to see Saya there.

"Can we talk? Alone."

"After I finish this-"

"It's really important!"

Rikuto felt relieved after watching the two of them walk away.

"Mai go to hell. We're no longer siblings!" He yelled, stomping off. She then became angry and scurried after him.

There stood Ren alone until Hanako finally approached him.

"Ren. I'm so sorry, I lied! I know you're upset with me for lying to you, but... How do I explain."

"I know you lied Hanako. Although, I am quite upset I'm always going to forgive you." He replied, watching her eyes swell with tears.

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