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Only small sparks of light could be seen around Sage. Scorpio's body dropped to the ground. His neck had been snapped in half as if it were a pencil.

"You killed him... My precious Scorpio..."

Sage watched as Scorpio's body disappeared. He then quickly turned over to look at Kaido who was also gone.

"Where is he!? Where is Kaido?! Tell me now you bastard!"

"This power...! It's incredible!" Kei yelled, walking toward his brother.

The smile on Kei's face grew wider as he walked toward Sage. The two were now standing in front of each other.

"Maybe he disappeared with Scorpio. Who knows?" He said, placing his hand on Sage's shoulder. His eyes softened once Sage grabbed onto his hand.

"Where the hell is Kaido? I won't ask again-"

A punch from Kei quickly came toward him, but he was able to dodge it. A sudden pain in his leg caused him to slow down.

"Your wound is going to bleed out. Isn't it starting to feel numb?"

Sage sent a glare toward Kei. He knew exactly that when he got stabbed earlier with the katana there was poison on it. That was Scorpio's specialty.

"Do you want me to die that badly?" Sage replied, struggling to stand.

Kei lifted his eyebrows while watching Sage back up. If he were to step back three more steps then he would fall off the roof.

"No, I don't Kuro. I've already told you I loved you-"

He blinked to see that Sage was gone. Thinking that he must've fallen from the roof, he ran over to see. Sage was nowhere to be found.

"Damn it!"

"Behind you," Sage whispered in his ear.

Before Kei could turn around, he felt a tight grip on his body. Next thing he knew he was falling from the sky. Sage teleported the two of them.

"What the hell is this? Why can't I move!?" He yelled, looking down to see that they were heading toward the ocean.

The silence Sage had given him, caused him to become angry.

"If this is your way of trying to kill me then it won't work!"

"I don't care," Sage replied.

Kei noticed that the ocean seemed to have sparks in it. The amount of power he felt earlier was no longer coming from Sage, but it was coming from the ocean.

"Do you think this will kill me?"

The closer and closer they got to the ocean the more Sage felt weaker. Even though he was so weak, he wouldn't let go of Kei.

"You're nothing but a monster!"

Sage's eyes widened after hearing the voice of his mother. That's when he let go of Kei, later using the last bit of his power to teleport them back to the school roof.

"A change in mind?" Kei asked, pulling a knife out of his back pocket.

He threw the knife towards Sage thinking it would hit him in the shoulder, but instead he used his hand to block it. It had gone straight through.

"If I'm a monster then what does that make you...?" He asked, pulling the knife out and looking at his wound.

"I'm a good brother-"

"Bullshit!" Sage yelled, "you've done nothing but ruin my life. Do you know how hard it was growing up after that fire? I had nobody, but when I found people you decide to take them from me!"

The Crescent Kinesis Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora