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Rikuto had woken up to the smell of breakfast being made. He walked out of his bedroom to the kitchen to see his younger sister, Mai, cooking breakfast.

"Good morning. What's for breakfast?" He asked, looking over her shoulder. She then popped him in the head with a spoon.

"Eggs and pancakes! If anything you're almost eighteen! Why am I doing the cooking, I have to get ready for school you finish up."

She had run off to go get ready. Mai was just one year younger than Rikuto. He was 17, in fact, all the boys were 17.

"What time even is it..."

He looked at the clock to see that it was 7:30 AM. School was going to start in thirty minutes.

He turned around to see Sage standing behind him. He screamed so loud that his sister came back running.

"Did you light the place on fire?!"

"When did he get here?!" Rikuto yelled, pointing at Sage.

"I forgot to tell you, he stayed here because he blew a hole in his apartment again..."

The three had stood there silently as time passed by.

Hanako had just arrived at her locker. She opened it just for it to be slammed closed by Aimi and Koharu.

"Did you bring the money fatty?" Aimi asked, popping her bubblegum in Hanako's face.

"I didn't. How much did you say you wanted again...?"

"Hand over your wallet."

Koharu had reached her hand out, waiting for Hanako to hand over her wallet.

"Can you guys move." Saya demanded, pushing through the girls to get to Hanako.

"Not this Saya bitch. Watch who you're pushing."

Aimi had pushed Saya into the locker. Other students began to circle the girls and watch.

"You and miss fatty are so annoying, I mean look at you. Your tights are about to bust!" Koharu yelled, pointing at Hanako's tights.

Hanako held her tears back, while Saya tried to hold in her anger.

"I usually respect women, but this is disgusting," Ren said, pushing through the crowd of students to get to the girls.

"What do you want?" Aimi said, chewing onto her gum loudly.

Ren had walked towards her, causing her to back up into the lockers.

"I want you and your little friend to move along before we have a problem." He whispered into her ear.

Aimi had pushed Ren away from her.

"Come on Koharu, let's go to class. I don't want to be around losers."

Ren had smiled at the girls and waved at them as they left. All the students then scattered to continue their business after Koharu and Aimi left.

"Are you two okay?"

"We're fine, thanks for helping Ren. You're always helping, we appreciate it!" Saya said, bowing to show her respect. Hanako had also followed.

"No need to thank me. The boys and I always eat lunch on the rooftop. If you want to eat with us, you're more than welcome." Ren said, smiling.

Both Hanako and Saya looked at one another, realizing how kind Ren was toward them.

It was now lunch, Hanako and Saya made their way to the rooftop to see the six boys there with lunch.

"You came!"

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