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Sage made his way to the class he disliked the most. Chemistry class. As he walked in he noticed Itsuki waving at him with a bag of chocolate, while on the other hand, there was Jet. His seat was right behind him.

He took a seat and Itsuki immediately gave him the chocolate.

"Sage it's good to see you again! I brought you the chocolate you like."

"Thank you."

Sage took the chocolate and sighed. He wanted to eat it badly, but he just couldn't.

"Hey Sage, we're in the same class isn't that cool?" Jet said, repeatedly poking Sage on the back with a pencil until he snatched it from him.

"Let's talk after class."

Itsuki watched as Sage glared at Jet while he just smiled at him.

"Jet, I'm afraid to tell you this but Sage is my friend, not yours." He said, "go find someone your own size to be friends with because Sage is too good for you."

Jet pulled Itsuki by the collar.

"Listen here four eyes, I'll fucking rip your-"

"Let him go or I'll beat your ass." Sage threatened, he knew the chances of actually being able to beat Jet was low so he just hoped he'd listen.

"Of course buddy!"

Jet let go of Itsuki and continued to talk to Sage who wasn't really paying attention to him.

After class ended, Sage and Jet sat there to talk.

"I need you to stay away from Saya." Sage demanded.

"Why should I?"

"Don't make me repeat myself." He said, holding his hand up to show the electricity he was creating.

Itsuki stood there watching in the door window.

"Oh my god, what is that?!"

He was able to take a picture of Sage threatening Jet with his electrokinesis.

"He's like some powerful god! Hey, you look at this!" Itsuki yelled, calling a random student to come over to him.

"Do you see that?"

"What the hell is that magic? Send that to my email!"

"Okay, sure!"

Sage quickly felt someone watching and noticed Itsuki standing there talking to a student.

"I can take care of him if you'd like. He took a picture of your power." Jet said, walking past Sage to go to Itsuki.

"Hey four eyes, let's go outside."


Jet glared at him.

"Listen to me you fucking bookworm."

Itsuki agreed and followed Jet outside, Sage was also coming along but he was keeping his distance since he didn't want Kaido to spot him.

Once they were outside Jet looked around to see if anyone was looking.

"Give me your phone." Jet demanded.

"For what? Ugh, you're trying to be cool so bad."

Jet held his hand out waiting for him to hand over the phone.

"I'm not giving you my phone-"

Jet didn't hesitate to slice Itsuki's left hand off, making him drop the phone. He quickly began to cry and scream.

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