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"Hey... Get up..." Sage said, shaking her on the shoulder, waiting for her to get up.

"I'm being serious wake up!"

He did everything he could, but he finally realized she was gone.

Sage examined her wounds. They seemed to be large holes everywhere. It was definitely not the work of a normal person, but the work of someone who was like Scorpio.

"Could it be... That damn Toxin Order..." He thought.

He went to go search for Jiro. He was nowhere to be seen downstairs, so he went upstairs.

Jiro's room had his name written on the front of the door. When Sage opened that door, he saw a woman sitting in a chair.

"It was you wasn't it-"

"Ah, Kuro is that you? He didn't say you were this good-looking..."

"Who the hell are you!?"

"I'm Vanessa. When I heard you somehow defeated Scorpio I was pretty surprised."

The woman stood up and flipped her long purple hair to the side. Sage began to back up as she walked closer to him, her dark red eyes had given him a bad feeling.

"You must be working with that bastard. Tell me, where is Jiro!"

"Jiro? You mean that old hag's grandson?"

Sage wasn't very happy he had to fight a woman, but since she killed Granny Chiyo. He had no choice, but to take her out.

Before he could react, he noticed that bubbles were floating around him. After examining Granny Chiyo's body, he knew exactly how she died.

Without thinking twice, he ran out of the room to go back downstairs. However, Vanessa stood there waiting for him. He looked back to see another Vanessa standing there.

"These must be illusions." He thought to himself.

He wanted to just teleport everything, but that would take a lot of energy away. He also wanted to kill Vanessa for what she's done. All he was able to teleport to him at the moment was a gun. He shot at both clones and they both disappeared. He was right, they were illusions.

"Stop playing games and show yourself-"

Sage quickly dodged a bubble that was coming toward him but happened to fall into Vanessa's trap.

"I got you!" She yelled, scratching Sage on his neck and licking it.

He was able to shock her with a small amount of electricity, so she quickly moved back.

"Your blood is sweet! I like you! Let's just make this easy come with me and you'll live!"

Sage wiped his neck as it began to burn. He tried to figure out some sort of strategy to bring her down, but he couldn't think of her weakness.

"It seems that Scorpio has also put his little curse on you. Day by day you'll get weaker and weaker."

Sage ran back upstairs and tripped. He fell onto the ground and looked back into Jiro's room. He then noticed a pair of eyes looking back at him under the bed. It was those same big brown eyes Jiro had. A little weight was lifted off of his shoulders after figuring out Jiro was alive.

He rolled himself back up and looked around. Vanessa seemed to have disappeared. He remembered that she was wearing a piece of clothing that seemed to have metal on it.

"Found you." He said, zapping her.

He looked above him to see that she was screaming in pain. As he pointed the gun toward her she began to laugh.

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