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On New Year's eve, Kaido was walking up the stairs to Sage's apartment only to be interrupted by a random man running out of the front door.

He peeked in to see Sage standing there with a baseball bat.

"What just happened...?"

"That guy just broke into my house," Sage replied, placing the bat down and putting his shoes on.

"Or was the front door unlocked...?"


Kaido sighed and walked in to see that there were two large holes in the bedroom door.

"I'm not gonna even ask... I guess you're gonna need the door to be fixed. Again..."

"Can I come in...?"

Sage and Kaido turned to see Yurina standing in the doorway.


"Why are you here?" Sage asked, walking towards her.

"There's something I needed to ask you." 

Kaido was listening to their conversation.

"How do you even know where I live-"

"I have everything written down."

"What did you want to ask?"

Sage was already becoming impatient. He didn't want to deal with Yurina anymore, but she still somehow came back to him.

"Are these yours?" She asked, handing him a pair of green boxers with yellow stripes.


Sage noticed Saya standing at the bottom of the stairs. She quickly ran off once she made eye contact with him.

"How did you even get those!" He yelled, pulling the boxers over her head and running after Saya.

Kaido walked up to her, holding in his laugh.

"Those aren't Sage's... But I believe those belong to Gin."


"Out of all people... You have Gin's underwear..." He sighed.

While running after Saya he seemed to be getting tired, so instead, he teleported in front of her.


He grabbed onto her hand to stop her from running away.

"You still like her, don't you...? It's okay you can be honest."

"I'm not involved with her anymore. Also, those were Gin's underwear you've seen."

Saya pulled his hand off of hers.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to see your face for a bit." She mumbled.

"Saya be serious right now. If you don't believe me just say that."

"I don't know. Let's take a break, I'll see you later."

"A break? What are you saying?"

"I'm saying let's break up."

Ren repeatedly knocked on Rikuto's door only to be greeted by Mai.

"Oh, it's you."

"Excuse me." He said, making himself at home. "Where's Rikuto?"

"He's with Hanako. I think they went on a date."

"A date?!" He repeated. "No this can't be... Rikuto... He's a traitor!"

"You like Hanako?" She asked, pulling her phone out.

Ren ignored the question and zoned out on the couch. Mai took a seat next to him and elbowed him.

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