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It was now 8 PM. Sage went home after hanging out with the boys along with Hanako and Saya.

"I'm home..." He said, opening the door to complete darkness. He forgot that he lived alone.

He looked in the fridge to see that it was empty. His stomach had rumbled as he thought about the triple burger and loaded fries he wanted earlier.

"Did you make it home safely?" A voice said coming through Sage's right ear and out the other.

It was Kaido using his telepathy to communicate with Sage.

"Just hungry," Sage replied.

"I'm at the store now, buying dinner. Do you want to eat at my house?"

Sage quickly teleported to where Kaido was, scaring him.

"You can't just teleport like that, what if someone saw...!" Kaido whispered with a loud tone.

"I saw that," Hanako said, smiling at the two of them.

"Hanako! You're shopping here too?"

"Yes, I'm going to cook for Saya and me."

After checking out, both Hanako and Kaido went outside to see Sage sleeping on the bench next to the store.

"Is he really sleeping out here in the dark like that...?" Hanako asked as they walked toward him.

"He's always so tired, he's been like this ever since we even met."

Kaido tapped Sage on the shoulder waking him up. He sat up and looked at Kaido.

"You can't sleep out here all night. We're going to walk Hanako home and then I'll cook."

"But... I want food now." Sage mumbled.

Hanako handed Sage a bag of onion chips.

"You can eat these. I'm actually on a diet, haha I don't know why I bought them."

"I'm allergic to onions," Sage replied.

Hanako immediately apologized.

"I'm sorry! I can go buy you a snack-"

She was interrupted by the sound of Sage munching on the chips she had given him.

"Before you panic, he was completely joking, the kid eats anything." Kaido said, giggling.

She then let out a big sigh of relief.

The two began walking to Hanako's house. Kaido and Hanako seemed to be walking ahead, while Sage stayed back making sure he wouldn't fall on any rocks.

"What are you cooking tonight?" Kaido asked.

"Teriyaki chicken!"

"I'm cooking that too!"

Sage watched as the two got along.

"I actually can't eat a lot of meat," Hanako said.

"Why's that..?"

"I struggle with my weight. As you can tell I'm pretty big, I mean compared to Saya. All the other girls in school are so slim and have nice bodies. Then there's just me, I feel like I'm judged."

Kaido didn't know what to say until Sage interrupted.

"Big or not, you're still human."

They stopped to look at him.

"You need self-love." He continued, "I don't see anything wrong when looking at you."

"I agree. Hanako, you're beautiful okay?! If you want to lose weight go for it, but that doesn't justify who you are." Kaido added.

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