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"Do you think he's going to wake up any second now?" Kaido asked, walking back and forth.

"I'm positive." Gin replied, wrapping Sage's wound with the herbs he summoned.

After Kaido found Sage, he took him to Gin's house to get taken care of.

Gin jumped back as Sage quickly sat up and turned to look at him.

"You scared the shit out of me. Are you okay?"

"Right, are you okay?! You've been sleeping for almost 6 hours..."

"I'm fine. Where's that bastard." Sage said, getting ready to get out of bed until Gin stopped him.

"We asked Rikuto and Nash to get rid of the body." Gin said, "...but I have a feeling those two are being chaotic..."

Rikuto watched as Nash's flames turned Scorpio's body into ashes. They were on top of a hill.

"He smells awful," Rikuto said, covering his nose.

"This guy, who the hell even is he? Sage beat the shit out of him..."

"I'm sure he'll tell us what happened, but you know we shouldn't bother him about it."

Minutes passed and Scorpio's body had finally gone away and so were the flames.

"Finally. Now let's head back." Rikuto said, smirking.

"You better not do what I think you're about to do-"

Rikuto had created a huge mudslide that had pushed them down the hill. On the way down, Nash was screaming his lungs out while Rikuto was laughing.

"I also made a call for your apartment to be worked on... Again." Kaido said.

"It's always being destroyed, at this point, you should just move."

Ren ran into the room, nearly out of breath.

"What happened?!"

"You're late Ren." Gin said, shaking his head.

"Kei is alive and wants me dead," Sage admitted, he continued to tell the boys what happened.

"How could he do that... To his brother..."

Sage looked at Kaido who seemed to be getting frustrated.


Sage had quickly reached for the back of his neck. It seemed to be something there stinging him.

He quickly teleported away from the boys before they could ask him anything.

"Did you see that...?" Ren asked.

"I did... For the first time in a while. He showed the expression that he was in pain." Kaido said.

Sage teleported to a nearby elementary school. He thought it would be clear since there was no school, but there seemed to be a little boy crying there.

Even though Sage didn't want to get involved, he walked over to the boy anyway.

"Stop crying." He demanded.

The boy looked at him and began to cry even more. Sage sat there and thought about what he should do to make the kid stop crying.

"Look at this."

The boy looked at Sage as grasped his hands together. He then moved them away slowly to show an electric current being made. The kid was amazed at Sage's powers.

"How do you do that!" The kid said, jumping up and down in excitement.

"It's magic."

"Can you teach me?!"

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