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The next morning, Sage walked into school. All eyes were on him.

"Isn't he that guy with powers...?!"

"He's definitely not human."

"I mean he is handsome, I'll give him that."

"He's a fucking monster."

Sage quickly turned around.

"Who said that?" He asked, looking at the group of students who were talking about them. They were all girls.

"Alright girls. The photo was edited by a student who I shall not be naming." Ren said, trying to shoo the girls away.

"And why should we believe you?"

Ren scratched his head, he really hated lying and was struggling with what to say. Everyone became silent once they heard the intercom turn on.

"If I hear any student talk about that ridiculous photo then I'll have you expelled." Nash threatened.

"I hate this school."

"I know right, the student council here sucks."

The crowd began to scatter. Sage then noticed Ren's hand was wrapped in bandages.

"What happened to your hand?"

"A crazy person tried to kill me"

Ren noticed that Mai had entered the school so he quickly ran away.

"Hey Sage, have you by chance seen Ren?" She asked, walking toward him.

"You must be the crazy person he was referring to. I'm not involved with anything."

Mai watched as Sage walked away, but happened to trip over a trash can someone randomly slid by him.

He got up and looked around to see if anyone saw, and of course, multiple people had seen.

"Sage! We need to talk!" Hanako said, rushing toward him.

The two stepped into the gym to talk.

"Do you like Saya?!" She asked.

Hanako watched as Sage twitched his eyebrow a few times.

"Never mind that then, how do you feel around her?"

"It feels like... When I eat very good food."

Hanako's face went blank she then sighed.

"So you like food, you compared her to food so that means you like her!" She said, smirking.

"But how could you assume off of that..."

Sage's cheeks turned slightly pink, he then smacked his forehead.

"...Just admit it. I mean give it a shot. Make a move do something!"

"Hey wait you're-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Hanako already scurried off.

Saya arrived at school half an hour late. She noticed Jet was also late, he was smoking a cigarette. He quickly noticed her and threw the cigarette to the side.

"Yo." He said, watching her as she began to speed walk.

Before she could pass him he grabbed onto her shoulder.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"Please don't touch me." She said, shoving him away.

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