Chapter 56

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We all went inside and sat on the couch. After awhile Maddy and Cameron came downstairs and hung out with us. "How are you doing Moo?" I asked when she sat down. "good, being pregnant and being all broken is no fun, but it will be worth it." She said smiling. "Have you told your mom yet?" "Ummm, well i dont really talk to my mom any more...But I told my dad and hes excited to have a grandchild he just wishes it wasnt so soon.. but he has been really supportive." She said. "Well thats good, Im sorry about your mom." "It's all good. Not worried about it." "So, is anyone up for a walk on the beach?" Harry asked. "Me!" Niall Amy and I said at the same time. "Do you guys wanna go?" I asked Maddy and Cam. "Nah. unless you want to?" Cam said asking Maddy. "Why not. I may be all banged up and on crutches but that ain't stopping me." She said getting up and getting her crutches. When everyone was ready we all loaded up and left. Maddy,Cam, Harry and I went in my car and Amy and Niall went in their car. Five minutes later we got to the beach, everyone got out and we walked to the water. Maddy had to stay her distance Cuz her leg was in a cast. I was on Harrys back while he walked around. I heard my phone going off so I hopped off Harry and pulled it out of my pocket. My mom was calling when does she ever call me.


Mom-Hey sweetie, how are you doing?

Me-Good.. What's up?

Mom-Well, the other day I was having chest pains and other symptoms so I went to the doctor and I have some rare case of cancer and..(she said choking up)

Me-And what?

Mom- They can't do anything to cure it, it's to spread out, they said I only have a week or less left.

I was speechless, I started balling.

Me-I'm coming, I'll find a way to get tickets and stuff. Okay. I'll leave tonight or tomorrow.

Mom-Are you sure. You don't have to.

Me- Of course I want to, you have less than a week until you die I'm coming to see you.

Mom-Okay. I'm sorry and I love you. Bring Harry please. I don't want you traveling alone.

Me-Was already planning on it.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked concerned. "My mom has cancer and has less than a week left, they can't do anything to help her." I said balling into Harry.

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