Chapter 50

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Once we all ate we headed home. "So uh do you mind if I go hang out with Jack for a few later?" I asked. "Sure. I trust you." Harry said intertwining our hands. A few hours later we stopped at a rest stop to stretch and go pee. I got back to the car before Harry cuz he said he would drive the whole 8 hours but he looks so tired and he needs to rest. "Haha you're funny Mo, get out." Harry said opening the drivers seat door. "Um nope. You need rest. I'm not moving." I said buckling. "Mo seriously c'mon get out!" Harry said whining. "Harry you need rest, I'm not arguing with you about this. "Ughhhhhh you're so stubborn!" He said shutting the door and getting in the passenger seat. "I love you." I said laughing. We had to wait for Maddy and Cam to get done which was taking for ever. "I know what will cheer you up...." I said smirking. "And that is??" "Close you're eyes.." I said. Once he closed them I kissed him. He smiled which made me smile. Cameron started honking which meant let's go. I honked back and Harry laughed. I put on some music and we left. There was only 2 hours left until we got into town. We finally got home and went inside. My mom was home. Great, I didn't even tell her that we were leaving. She never asked either so she obviously didn't give a shit. We grabbed our bags and went inside. Luckily she wasn't downstairs. We all went up to our rooms and went to bed. Harry and I changed then crawled into bed. In the morning, someone was pounding on my door. "What the hell!" I yelled getting up. "Morning!" My mom said all happy. "I'm trying to sleep, what do you want.?" I said pissed. "Well one you're welcome, I took care of Hazel while you were gone, and two I'm going to New York for work I leave tomorrow." She said going downstairs. I slammed my door and went back to bed. "Everything okay?" Harry said. "Just my mom being rude." I said scooting closer to him falling asleep again.

The Story Of Us...(Harry Styles fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang