Chapter 53

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Harry was holding me while I cried. I waited for Cam to come back over to ask what the hell is going on. He came over after 10 minutes of crying. "They don't thinks she's gonna make it, but they're trying to do their best to keep her. I don't want to loose her. And they won't let me see her. It's too soon, I can't loose her." He said balling. I stood up and hugged him. "It will be okay. I promise. She's a fighter, we won't loose her okay!" I said calming him down. Two hours later a different nurse came out and come toward us. "Good news or bad news first?" He said. "Good" Cam said. "Well we were able to save her, but she has to be in the hospital for two weeks for recovery. She also broke her right leg and left arm. So she's gonna be a little banged up for a while." The nurse said. "What about the baby?" Cam asked. "What baby?" Nurse said. "She's pregnant.." Cam said nervously. "I'll be right back.." The nurse said nervously backing away and running back through the doors. "I hope the baby is okay." I said "me too." Cameron said tearing up again. I rubbed his back then the nurse came back out. "The other nurse is checking on it right now. No one knew she was pregnant. There might be a chance she could miscarriage with the damage that was done to her body." The nurse said. "Whoever Cameron is can come back" the girl nurse came out and said. Cam got up and followed the nurses back to Maddy's room.

*Cameron's POV*

"Hi babe" I said kissing Maddy's forehead. "Hi." She said back. She looks like she's in pain. It's killing me inside. I sat down next to her and held her hand. The nurse got the ultra sound set up then put the gel on Maddy's stomach then moved the thingy around. "Well good news is she's still alive. Usually in these cases the baby would die but you, you got lucky." The nurse said. "It's a girl!" Maddy said smiling. "Yeah. You guys didn't know the sex of your baby yet?" "No, we had an appointment tomorrow." I said.

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