Chapter 38

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We got to my house, we had to wait for Amy and Niall to get here. While we waited I turned on the tv and we just sat there. 5 minutes later they came in. They sat down on the floor and we discussed where we wanted to go. "Well I've always wanted to go to Oregon? They have a nice mall and lots of things to do." Maddy said. "Okay. Does that sound good to everyone?" Harry asked. Everyone agreed on Oregon as our road trip. "Since today is Thursday, we can get prepared all day tomorrow and then leave Saturday? How does that sound?" I asked. "Sounds good." Everyone said. Amy and Niall left and the rest of us went to bed. In the morning I looked up how far away Oregon was and it's 8 hours and 58 minutes. Cam and Maddy are gonna take their car and Harry, Niall, Amy and I will take my car. Everyone started getting packed and everything and then we all went to the store and got some things to take with us on the road. After we got home we just relaxed and hung out the rest of the day. I looked at my phone and saw it was 6 pm so I asked what everyone wanted for dinner and they all shrugged their shoulders. "Well are you guys hungry?" I asked "yeah" they all replied. "Sooooooo where should we go?" I asked again. "I don't care where we go." Niall said. Amy agreed. "Well Taco Bell it is." Harry said. "Harry and I can run down there, what do you guys want?" I asked. I put all their orders in my notes and we left. We got the food then went back home. I passed out everyone's food and we ate.

The Story Of Us...(Harry Styles fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt