Chapter 5

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I pulled my phone out and texted my mom-

Me-So you'll never believe it but I have a boyfriend... And he's coming over for dinner tonight.

Mom-Aw honey why didn't you tell me!? I'm so happy for you! And yes, I want to meet this fella!! Lol

Me-Thanks mom, I'll see you later. P.s please don't say 'fella' lol love you.

I texted Harry and said,

Me-Dinners a go tonight!

H- Yay, she's gonna be so shocked that it's me and not some straight A student or something 😂

Me-Oh whatever. Are you calling me a nerd!?

H-Not at all babe 😉  plus nerds don't text in class. 😏

Me-Ha very true!

H-I hate this class so much! Can I leave?

Me-Um no 😋

We had like five minutes left and it was group work. Harry, Amy and I were all in a group. "Morgan, act like you're going to kiss Harry..." Amy said "uh now!?" I said. "Yes, please just do it. Let me see your phone Harry." He handed Amy his phone and I acted like I was kissing him. She took a picture; I really hope no one is paying any attention to us. When she was done she had Harry do the same, she asked for my phone. I handed it to her and she took a picture of him. She was doing stuff with both our phones and Harry and I were wondering what in the world she was doing. She put our phones side by side and turned it to our lock screens, it was soooooo cute it looked like we were kissing thru our phones. "Omg that's really cute!!" I said. "I love it!" Harry replied with a big smile on his face. "Me and Niall did it on ours so I thought I would share the idea with you guys" she said winking at us. After we got our phones back, the teacher told everyone to go back to their original seats since class was out in two minutes. She gave us our homework, and dismissed us a minute early. Harry, Amy and I walked to ceramics together, I am not sure what Amy was doing because her class was the other way. "Uh, Amy isn't your class that way?" Harry said pointing behind him. "Crap, I am probably going to be late." she said laughing and walking to her class. Harry and I continued walking to ceramics. We pretty much just sat there on our phones and did nothing but talk. We didn't feel like making anything today. After ceramics was geometry, we got to our seats and I tried to focus in that class because its easy to fall behind. We took notes the entire period, it was so boring. Soon enough that class was over and it was now lunch. Thank goodness, I was hungry. "Harry, want to go to my house for lunch? I'll make you your fav sandwich...." I said winking at him. "YES! That sounds so good right now!!!" he replied. We hopped in his car and went to my house. When we got to my house I unlocked the door and went to the kitchen. Harry helped get all the sandwich stuff out, then I started making them. When I was done making them we went and sat out back in the warm sun, we only had 25 minutes left until lunch was over. We finished our sandwiches and started cleaning up the kitchen. When we were all done we headed back to school, when we pulled in the parking lot then we both looked at each other and went in for a kiss. The kiss felt like it was ten minutes long, it was nice. Niall and Amy were on their way into the school and must have seen us, they came over and pounded on the windows, probably as payback from when Harry and I did that to them. Harry didn't even budge, I pulled away and gave him a quick kiss and got out of the car. All four of us walked to our last classes, Harry walked Amy and I to class because Niall's class was all the way on the other side of the school. When we got to class Harry gave me a quick kiss and went to his class down the hall. When class was over I went down to Harrys class and waited for him. I got out early, so his class wasn't out quite yet. I peaked in the window, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing!? Harry was actually paying attention and writing down notes!!! I had to get a picture of this. His class was finally out and he grabbed my hand and we walked to our cars. "Good job for actually paying attention!" I said giving him a sweet kiss. "I knew you were watching so I decided to look smart.." He said laughing. "Oh I'm sure." I said winking at him. "Wanna go 'hang out' at my place before dinner with your mom!?" he asked. "sure. what do you mean by 'hang out'?" I replied. "idk, kiss or watch a movie??" he said. "Ok,let's go!" we hopped in our cars and I followed him to his apartment.

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