Chapter 52

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"Hey guys lets get going so we can change and get ready for the game. We all went home changed and headed to the field. We bought the tickets and then found our seats. Then the guys went and got some popcorn and drinks. "This is awesome. I love baseball games." I said excitedly. "Eh they're okay." Maddy said. She's more the lets go shopping or see a chick flick or something. The guys came back with food and then the game started a little while later. We were right behind home plate so It was good spot. After the game we went home and went to bed.

I heard noise coming from the hall so I got up to check it out and it was just my mom being the bitch she is dragging her suitcase hitting every step as she went down the stairs. Like people are sleeping, it's fucking 3am and she does that!? I am so glad she is leaving! She's so annoying. Then she let Hazel in and she wouldn't stop barking. So I went downstairs and put her outside then went back to bed. I'm shocked Harry didn't wake up. He must be really tired. I kissed his forehead and fell back asleep. I heard Harry get up and go to the bathroom so I rolled over and checked my phone and it was 2:40pm. Damn. I got up threw on Harrys sweatshirt that was on the floor and went downstairs. Maddy and Cam weren't there so I went upstairs and checked the guest bedroom and they weren't there either. I called her and she said they went shopping. A few minutes later Harry came down and made lunch for us. "Whatcha making?" I asked sitting at the bar. "You'll see" he said smirking. "Be that way then." I said laughing. "Here you go. A ham sand which made with love." Harry said. "Thanks babe." I said giving him a kiss. My phone started vibrating so I looked to see who it was and it was Maddy.

Me- hey what's up?

M-'s cam..

(He said slowly and crying.)

Me-Cam what's wrong?

M-we were walking out to my car and someone hit her... We are at the hospital right now. The doctors won't let me back there. I'm freaking out.

Me- Cam we are on our way okay.

"Um what's going on?" Harry asked. I was balling. "We have to goto the hospital. Now." I said more like yelled crying even harder. Harry grabbed me and hugged me. "Tell me what's wrong. Please." "Cam said Maddy got hit by a car! okay can we please go now?" I said crying and grabbing my keys and running out the door. "Hey I'll drive okay." I gave him the keys and got in the passenger side. I texted cam and said we were on our way. We pulled up and Harry parked and we ran in, found what floor and found Cam. He was sitting right by the doors. He saw me and we ran to each other and hugged. We both started crying again. When we sat down and calmed down a little I asked,"Have you heard anything on how she is doing?" "No" he said putting his head down. Then the nurse came out and asked to talk to Cam alone. I watched and it didn't look good, then he fell to the ground and cried...

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