Chapter 42

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"Just talk to her mo. All there of us girls can go out to dinner and let the boys hang out and that way the three of us can talk. Okay?" Maddy said hugging me. "Okay. Let's go tell them. Love you moo!" I said pulling away. We went back upstairs and told everyone to meet in my room. When everyone was in there we told them the plans and everyone was good with it. We all separated and started getting ready. "Hey babe." Harry said. "Hi" I said smiling at him as I finished outing my outfit on. I had 10 minutes until I had to meet the girls in the lobby so I snuggled with Harry for a bit. "So guess what?" I said looking up at him. "What?" He replied. "Amy is pregnant..." "What!? I thought you said she wasn't??" He said shocked. "Well that's what she told me but when we fell asleep on the way here I woke up and heard them talking and I kept my eyes closed and listened and they were talking about how they can't believe they are actually going to have a baby and how her mom was so understanding!" I said shaking my head. "That's nuts! I can't believe she lied to you like that! I'm so sorry babe!" He said hugging me. "It's fine, it just sucks. Shit I better go. I love you." I said kissing Harry and getting up. "Hey," he said "yes..?" "I love you too!" He said giving me another kiss before I left. I had a huge smile on my face as I left the room. I saw Maddy and Amy waiting for my by the elevator. I ran to them and we went down. We took my car and went to Denny's. We got inside and sat down and ordered drinks. Then we ordered food. "So, how come you two are so quiet?" Amy asked. "Uh. Mo has something to talk about." Maddy said. I gave her a death glare and sat up. "Well..., I over gears you and Niall talking in the car earlier about you being pregnant....why would you lie to me Ames!? I'm your bestfriend, we've always been there for each other! I just don't understand why you couldn't tell me!?" I said tearing up. "I thought if you knew you would go tell my mom before I could and then leave me and never talk to me because I was pregnant..." She said starting to cry. "1, I would never tell your mom anything unless you wanted me to. And also I would never leave your side! We are stuck like glue, there is no tearing us apart! Okay?" "Okay." She replied. We both got up and hugged for like 10 minutes while Maddy sat there watching us.

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