Chapter 19

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I got Bennett dressed and went back out into the living room. I waited until Lisa came out so I could talk to her. She finally came out and I helped her get her stuff reading for work. "Do you mind if we take B to the beach and then take him back to our house for a nap?" I asked. "Of course, go get his car seat out before I leave. I'll go get his backpack ready for you then I will leave." Lisa said as I went into the garage. I got his seat and put it in my car then went back inside. Harry and Bennett were sitting on the couch watching tv. Lisa handed me his backpack and said bye to Bennett and left. I shut the tv off and grabbed Bennett and we left. "Do you wanna go back to your house for a bit and get stuff ready to go to the beach?" Harry asked. "Yeah, do we need to stop and get anything at the store?" I asked buckling Bennett in then hopping in the passenger side. Harry drove to the store and he went in and got food for the beach. He came back out and we went to my house for a little bit. We went inside and harry put the food away and I sat on the couch with B. I put Sesame Street on for him. Harry came and sat with us when he was done putting the food away. We watched tv for a little bit before going to the beach.

**At the beach**

We pulled up, I got B and his bag while Harry got everything else. We walked to the sand and found a decent spot to sit. Harry put the blanket down and I put B on it then say next to him. "Wa-wa!" Bennett said pointing at the ocean. "Good job B." Harry said giving him a high five. I wanted to take B down to the water so I took my shirt and shorts off and walked down to the water with him. We sat down where the sand was wet and Bennett was just playing in the sand. A couple seconds later Harry sat down next to us and put his arm around me pulling me closer to him. We were at the beach for over an hour so we went back to my house so Bennett could get his nap in. Before we even left the parking lot he was out. Harry pulled into the drive way and I got B and took him to my room while Harry got all the food and the bag of towels and blankets. Once I laid him down I went back downstairs and laid on the couch. When H was done putting the food away he came and laid with me. We ended up falling asleep, until Bennett started screaming. I untangled myself from H and went and got B. Harry was still asleep so I took B out back put sunscreen on him and turned the sprinkler on for him. I laid in the lawn chair, tanning. 20 minutes later Harry came out and sat on me. "Hey!" he said pecking my cheek. "Hi babe" I replied as he got off me and pulled a chair next to me. Bennett came running to Harry once he noticed he came out, so cute. He sat with Harry for a while, I went in and made them a snack and drinks. I went back outside and they were chasing each other through the sprinkler. I got my phone out and took pictures and sent them to Lisa.

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