Chapter 34

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Once we were all ready we all piled in my car and went to the party. When we got there it was packed. This is my first party so I was a little nervous. Harry wrapped his arm around me and held me tight. We walk in and it wreaked of alcohol. "Hey guys! I'm glad you came." A guy named Zayn said as he shook hands with Harry then walked away. "Do you want a drink?" Harry yelled over the loud music. "Sure." I replied. While Harry got us a drink, this cute guy walks up to me and says "hey cutie what's your name?" "Morgan. What might your name be?" I replied. "Jack. So you wanna dance?" Jack said. "Actually she is already taken. Sorry bro but she's mine." Harry said putting his arm around me. Jack looked upset and walked away. "Were you gonna dance with him?" Harry asked "I wouldn't want to dance with anyone except you babe." I said kissing Harry. We started dancing and there must of been alcohol in the drinks Harry got us cuz things were starting to get crazy. Harry went and got us more drinks and Jack came back over to me and we started dancing. Me being drunk not thinking about who I was actually dancing with turned around and put my arms around jacks neck. Harry came back and freaked out. Harry drunk is not good his anger is ten times worse. "Get the fuck away from my girl." Harry yelled. "Shit dude we were just dancing you don't need to get all tied up." Jack said as we parted. "I thought you weren't gonna dance with anyone else!?" Harry screamed at me. "Babe it's a party, we are both drunk and fucked up. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I said walking towards him. "As long as you stay away from him I'm fine." Harry said referring to Jack. " I'm sorry for messing with your chick bro she's just so damn hott." Jack said and walked away. Harry was so pissed because of what Jack just said. "Hey, let's take a walk. You need to calm down. Let's go." I said taking him outside. He put his arm around me and we went on a walk. I stopped walking and stood in front of Harry. "I'm sorry I did that. I was just dancing and he came and joined me. I should've stopped it when he first came over to me and I didn't. And I'm sorry." I said tearing up. I don't feel as jacked up as I did a while ago. "It's fine I just get protective, I just don't want to loose you. Okay?" Harry said wiping the tears off my face and picking me up. I hugged him tight and kissed him. "Do you wanna go?" I asked him. He shook his head yes. "Should we get Niall and Ames?" I asked. "Yeah probably since we brought them haha" Harry said. He put me down and we walked inside to find them. "I'll go look in the kitchen you look over there!" Harry said. I took off towards the dance floor and saw Amy. "Amy!" I yelled. "What can I do for you?" She replied. "Let's go we are leaving." I said putting her around me. "Your leaving?" I heard a guys voice say behind me. I knew exactly who it was. Do I dare turn around. "Yea..." I said turning around. "I just want to tell you, I don't want to like hook up or anything, yeah your sexy as hell but you're taken and I respect that. But can we at least be friends?" Jack said. "Yes. " I heard Harrys voice say from behind me. I whip me head around and see Harry with Niall on him. "Really?" I said. "Yeah. I trust him." Harry said. " cool. Let me see your phone." Jack said. I gave him my phone and he put his number in my phone. "You better text me!" He yelled as we walked away. I laughed and sent him a message:

Me- hey!

J- hey boo!

I look back and laugh. He's so sweet and cute. What am I doing. I love Harry. I love Harry and only Harry. I barely even know Jack anyway. We are better off friends.

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