chapter 31

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 Four tubs of ice cream later, I was significantly bloated and after checking myself out in the mirror in the bathroom, I wondered if this was going to look like when I was six months pregnant. Pulling up my blouse, I poked the hard belly and wrinkled my nose. If I really looked like this when I was six months pregnant, I'd never leave my house.

I shrugged, I didn't even know if I wanted kids, why was I worrying about that now? When I had all the time in the world to be upset about my list becoming public and the definite end of my friendship with Claire, Eros, and probably Luna as well.

Dragging my feet back to the living room, I hit play on my episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, listening to it as I pulled a bag of chips from my 7/11 bag I got after leaving school earlier today and collapsed on the couch.

The doorbell rang.

Groaning, I slid off the couch and trudged to the door, if it was Ryder I was going to ask him nicely to bring Angelica home and then slam the door in his face. I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone today and not even my best friend could get me out of this funk.

I swung open the door prepared to yell at him and came face to face with Eros. Startled, words spewed from my mouth without thinking, "I thought I made it clear—"

"Alice," he growled, and this time, I looked at him, like really looked at him.

He was livid.

It was radiating off him in waves, and the entire world seemed to shrink in comparison to him. Eros' entire body was clenched with tension as he glared down at me with such intensity I found myself backing away, afraid.

He stepped into the house without invitation, slamming the door behind him.

"I am a people person Alice. I'll fucking admit that. But you know what? There are only two people on this earth that I trust with every fucking fiber of my being. It used to be three. You used to be one of them Alice. You fucked up."

I jutted my face at him in confusion. What? He just, showed up at my house, hours after I screamed at him, and he was angry at me? Fuck no.

"What the fuck are you on Eros?"

"I trusted you. Okay? I let you into my heart and I showed you why I hurt so much and you made it your business to tell Luna and Claire? What the actual fuck Alice? I just," he growled and lashed out, a fist slamming into the wall beside my head, causing me to squeak and jump a foot into the air. "I want to know what the fuck was going on in that pretty head of yours to think that was okay?"
I felt all the blood drain from my face, I felt my body start to pulsate as it was deprived of oxygen, my heart rate quickening. I had forgotten about that, and thinking about it now, I was so fucking stupid.

"How'd you find out?" My voice was barely above a whisper.

He laughed coldly. "You know, I was prepared to fight for you Alice, for us. I was sick of you and I thinking this wasn't going to work and I wanted to take the chance that we were strong enough to try for a relationship. So I went to Claire, to tell her to apologize to you."

"And instead she tells me all about the car ride before the concert, how you betrayed me and how she and Luna were embarrassed that they knew this about me, especially when they didn't hear it from me."

We stared at each other for a few moments.

"So are you going to tell me your fucking reasons or what?" He hissed, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I just thought," I stammered nervously. "Since we were all becoming friends and Luna asked and Claire was so nervous about her date with you I just wanted to help them understand."

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