chapter 3

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I was not expecting for Ryder to attempt to become closer to me, to stand with his words when he said that we'd always be best friends.

I knew it was just me, and if I wanted to complete the list, I'd have to do it myself.

I should've know better.

"Oh my fucking God, Alice you sleep like a damned dragon," I heard Ryder's groans of protest as he continued to shake me.

I grunted lowly, letting my arm fly and smack Ryder in his face- at least I hope it was his face, my eyes weren't open.

He cried out in shock, obviously not expecting an arm to come flying at him. "Alice I swear to God if you don't get up in 30 seconds I'm dumping a bucket of cold water on you!"

"You don't even know where the- how'd you get into the house?" I changed mid-sentence, coming to the understanding that Ryder Thompson was in my bedroom- and under the comforter I was wearing an old t-shirt and panties.

"Never mind how I got into the house! Just know that if you don't get up and get to school in 15 minutes you're missing the start of third period," he said pointedly, starting to poke me in the side.

Now that got me up.

I twisted in my wrinkled, white sheets so I faced where I was being poked and opened my eyes. It was a sight for sore eyes, Ryder was kneeling on my floor, elbows slumped on my bed, chin resting on his arms with his beautiful brown curls tumbling onto the bed.

I'd kill for hair like that.

"What do you mean miss third period Ryder?" It was only morning, and still, Ryder found the simplest ways to test my limits.

"I mean, it's ten, and we need to get to school, c'mon," he said this so calmly, without worries I would have never of thought he was talking about how we were three hours late to school.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "So not only are you making me late, you do realize you're making my sister late as well," I swung my light brown legs from the bed, standing and passing Ryder to walk into the bathroom.

I wanted to cry, Ryder smelled so good.

"Actually," he started, "I dropped her off on time, but we both decided it was time you slept in a while," he waltzed into the bathroom after me, taking some time to fix his curls that were in disarray.

I was nervous now, not only was he in my house and dropped off my sister to school on time, did that mean he also saw the mess of my dad? "And my dad?"

I had a strict routine. I got up at 6, make a quick breakfast for my dad and gave him his pills before he dragged himself to work, mind numb to emotions, simply working his life away. We all managed with that schedule, it didn't take much for me to ensure things wouldn't go wrong.

His eyes softened as he looked at me in the mirror, "He seems worse than I remember."

Of course Ryder knew about my dad, my father that drank to drown his sorrows, the one who didn't much interact with anyone, the one that tried to bond with his girls, but failed.

"I think since Angelica looks so much like Mom, it's harder for him," I said, pulling out my toothbrush and wetting it.

Angelica was a splitting image of our mother, deep auburn hair, hazel eyes, and a cute heart-shaped face. They were both beauties.

He remained silent, lifting his hand to weave his fingers through my hair, "It'll get better one day."

I broke our eye contact to focus on brushing my teeth, vaguely aware of Ryder turning his back to lean against the counter, stare at the towels that were hanging on the wall. "Alice, it's not like I enjoy the view and all," he gestured to my t-shirt and underwear. "But I don't think it's appropriate, you being my tutor and all," he trailed off.

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