Chapter Sixty-Three: OK

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The fortress of Solitude on Earth thirty-eight was certainly a sight for sore eyes.

"Oh, thank God we're here." Barry said.

"Yeah. Only took seventeen tries." Oliver added, looking over at Clark and Lois, who made their way over to us.

"Oh, I see. You're a comedian." Cisco said, hitting my arm with the back of his hand. "Hey, guess what, you're friend's a comedian."

"Yup. A regular Seinfeld." I told him.

"Still Barry?" Clark asked, pointing at Oliver.

"Oh no, we-" Oliver made a hand motion.

"No, yeah. No, no, no."

"So its fixed. That's great."

"Not...exactly." I told him. He looked back at Cisco.

"Oh no...Kara?"

"Mr. Ramon. Am I supposed to believe this guy is Superman?" He asked. "What, did you get him off the street? You don't even look like him. Hey, uh, what's this?" Cisco poked a device causing a bright light to fill the room.

"Yeah, you are, you really shouldn't touch that." Lois said.

"Hey, you could throw a party with this thing. Get some party favors. You know, I know a guy."

"Look, everything is back to normal. Well, not everything."

"Basically, good guys are now bad guys, we have no idea where Kara is, and the guy whose responsible for all of this is prancing around Central City disguised as Dark Superman." I explained.

"He's changed all of Central City, maybe even the whole world. If we get the book back we should be able to rewrite reality again."

"Yeah?" Cisco asked. "And how you gonna do that, you got a magic pen lying around somewhere behind these ice walls?"

"Its not a pen, its just the mind. I've encountered books like this before. The author writes things into existence through sheer force of will. But changing the story comes at a cost."

"Do you have any idea where the book is?" Lois asked.

"If I were him, I'd keep it somewhere secure enough to also hold a Kryptonian." Barry stated.

"STAR Labs." I explained.

"That place is under lock and key. I did time there once."

"Hey, so did we." Oliver hit his arm with the back of his hand.

"We did." Barry corrected.

"What'd ya do?"

"Did I say you could touch me? Did I say he could touch me? I missed that part." I put a hand on Cisco's shoulder. "You, you can touch me, I like you. You got spunk."

"Yeah, ok just calm down there Al Capone."

"I have to go." Clark told Lois.

"You have to go."Lois said at the same time.


We managed to breach the first time this time and ended up in STAR Labs, with Deegan, Killer Frost, and Diggle in front of us and Kara and this Earth's Alex Danvers behind.

"Hi. Nice suit." Superman greeted. "Doctor? Could i have a word, please?" They charged at each other and then flew up through the roof.

"Well, that's my cue." Cisco said. "I'm out, you ladies have fun." He opened a breach, jumping through it, and I turned to look at Kara.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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