Chapter Thirteen: Mom and Dad

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I peered around the corner and saw her, just as I suspected. She  was getting ready to run. I shook my head.

Nora Allen was my best friend, and had been practically since birth.  We were two very different people however, in the sense that she was always getting into trouble and dragging me into it with her every now and then. I was the level headed, logical one that was always trying to talk out of her ridiculous schemes, more often than not, to no avail. I ran around the corner, grabbing her arm as she was about to take off. She whirled around, turning to face me.

"Oh, Hannah, thank God. I thought you were my mom."

"I kind of wish I was at this moment," I said, "Nora, what the heck are you doing?"

"Just...going for a run. Nothing weird. Just...running." I grabbed the suitcase off of the ground, holding it up.

"With a suitcase?"

"Would you beleive me if I said yes?" She asked, tilting her head to the side in her quarky way that meant she was lying.

"Obviously not! Where are you going?" She sighed.

"You can't tell my mom. Or better yet, you should come with me!"

"Where are you going?" She sighed again.

"I'm see my dad." My eyes widened. "I know, Hannah, I know-"

"How many times have our parents, and their friends, warned you about time travel! Nora, you can't do this-"

"I just want to meet him!" She exclaimed. "He's my dad, I shouldn't have to learn about him from the exhibits in a stupid museum." I sighed.

"You're shouldn't have to, but this is dangerous. I can't condone this. I have to tell Mrs. West-Allen."Before I could move, her hand fastened around my arm and I was being dragged at high speeds. The fact that I'm light as heck and had inherited my father's ductility, so I was flapping in the wind like a flag. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, NORA!" She skidded to a stop and we were in the same place in Central City, only now it was nighttime. She put me down and I glared at her.


"I swear Nora, if my parents find out about this-"

"You're an adult!" She pointed out.

"That doesn't matter when you're dealing with the delicate nature OF SPACE TIME!" I shouted.

"Ok, I'm sorry. But aren't you a little interested? To see your Mom and Dad before they became the infamous Mr. and Mrs. Dibny?" When I didn't respond, she smirked at me.

"First of all, my parents are about as far from 'infamous' as you can get. Second of all, just because it would be cool doesn't mean it won't be dangerous and isn't the worst idea you've ever head!" 

"Relax. I'm just going to go to their wedding and see him, and then we'll go back. The timeline won't be effected at all."


This of course, didn't end up happening, and I ended up getting a job at Jitters so we wouldn't starve. We had been here almost a month, and I was getting tired of it.

I want to go home, Nora.

I texted, which was probably frowned upon while I was at work, but I really didn't care anymore.

I just want to meet everybody. Talk to them, see them. We'll go home soon.

You've been saying that for almost a month! I can't-

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