Chapter Sixty-Two: Cheap Knockoff

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"What're you talking about?" Oliver asked.

"Clark, its us. Barry, Oliver, Laura." I shook my head, putting a hand on Barry's shoulder.

"I don't think that's Clark." I told him. "Let me guess...Deegan."

"Clever girl," Dark Superman answered, "Your confusion lies with me."

"The Monitor gave you the book back?" Oliver asked.

"And showed me how to really use it."

"You can't just write yourself as a hero. It doesn't work that way." Barry told him.

"Doesn't it, though? You and Laura were struck by lightening, I was given the book by a higher power. Both random acts of chance. But this...this is my destiny, so much more than become the Flash or Skyrocket was ever yours."

"Circumstances don't make you a hero!" I yelled. "Real heroes are heroes no matter what the stakes are!" He scoffed

"You're just a cheap knockoff." Oliver stated.

"Oh, I'm anything but cheap." He shot heat vision past us, hitting the bottom of the giant crane that towered above us, causing it to creak ominously and tilt back and forth. "And just wait till you see what other fun changes I've made. You your family, your friends. There is no safe harbor for you. This is no longer your world. Its mine!" He stomped on the ground, sending a pile of cracking concrete towards us and sending all three of us flying into a pile of buckets as the crane tilted above us.

"Guys, I have an idea." Oliver groaned, looking down at the gun beside Barry. Barry shoved it towards him, and we stood up while Oliver pointed the gun at him.

"Idiot. I'm bulletproof."

"I know." He turned, shooting the last thing that was holding up the Crane, causing it to begin falling towards a school group.

"You wanna be Earth's hero? Save the children or stop us."

"The choice is yours, Superman." I spat. He flew away, thankfully to stop the crane. I sighed."Looks like its time to play the part again."  We began running.

"Being bad makes me feel bad." Barry said.

"The crane gag was harmless. It would've landed in an empty parking lot." We paused behind a roadwork vehicle.

"Still, doing something like that on purpose, I think I'm gonna puke. I'm..." He gagged. We heard the sound of screeching wheels and a police siren. "Oh, I'm ok, I'm ok."

"Barry, listen to me. If Deegan wants to be the hero, than we need to let him. You need to pull yourself together and think like a criminal."

"We also need to find out how extensive this reality change is and we need to get off the streets. Come on."

"I can't get anything to come up, I can't..." Oliver and I took off running down the street again. "Wait up! I have a plan!"


We walked into a building I recognized as Cisco's apartment complex.

"Ok, we get Cisco, breach to Earth thirty-eight, find real Superman."

"That's the plan."

"However, keep in mind, Deegan said he screwed everything up and that no one would help us, so how do we know if Cisco will agree? Or can even still breach for that matter?" I asked. We looked around, and Oliver went to a door labeled One-A. We walked through it but suddenly found ourselves on some weird panel floating in space.

"Lady and gentlemen," The monitor said, coming into view. "Its time we talked about your destiny. I must confess, my interest is piqued. You posses neither power nor abilities yet still managed to outwit an opponent with the powers of a super man."

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