Chapter Sixty-One: Champions

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Kate, for some reason, took us up to the roof of Wayne tower, where we gave her the drawing and told her the reason we were in Gotham.

"You guys try facial recognition?" She asked. "One of Bruce's R and D guys still works in the building. I can give this to him?"

"Uh, we did try it," Oliver told her, "So thank you, but no luck. Besides, I'd think if Wayne's R and D's in the same shape as this building, its not gonna really do us any good."

"Suit yourself." She handed the drawing back to Oliver.

"Seems strange, doesn't it?" Kara questioned. "That Bruce Wayne and Batman disappeared from Gotham at the same time."

"Well, when Batman left, the City went to five different kinds of Hell, which for Gotham is really saying something. Took a toll on Bruce." Yeah...I'm sure it did.

"Is that why he left?" I inquired.

"Still trying to figure that out."

"Right, but you work for him,and you don't know why he left?" Oliver asked.

"Who said I work for him?" The door opened and Barry came back out onto the roof.

"How'd it go with Vesper?" Kara asked.

"She hung up on me. Apparently, I did sleep with her."

"Hmm." We all looked at Oliver with raised eyebrows.

"Ok, the building is under renovation, so this is the best place for you guys to work out of." She walked back through the door. "Oh, and the uh, Wi-Fi password's 'Alfred'."

"So, we don't have the help of little miss 'Oliver Queen Conquest' so we're right back where we started." I said.

"No we're not. I lifted this off of a computer at the precinct." Oliver took a hard drive out of his pocket. "It should have the entire GCPD Database."

"You stole data from the police?" Barry asked.

"No, no. The Flash did it." Kara smiled into her hand.

"Its not funny."

"I'm not laughing." She said. He looked at me and I just shrugged, waiting until he turned around so Kara and I could silently laugh.


We were still on the roof of Wayne Tower, only now Oliver had a laptop on the edge of the building.

"You really know your way with a computer." Kara pointed out.

"Well, when I was first starting out, I had to hold my own before Felicity showed up."

"Is this the part where your superhero-origin story flashback kicks in?" I questioned.

"Got him," Oliver said, ignoring me, "John Deegan." He moved so that we could see the screen.

"Oh. Illegal experimentation, torture. Hmm. Seems like he was conducting experiments on his own patients' brains."

"Upstanding guy." I said dryly.

"Sounds like a real charmer." Barry added.

"Well, he was acquitted. All the charges were dropped on technicalities."

"Where do we find him now?" I inquired.

"No known address."

"What about employment?"

"Well, he was fired, suspended by the medical board for two years, but that was...five years ago."

"So no idea where to find him." Kara stated.

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