Chapter Fifty-Six: Oliver Queen

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One minute I was in bed with Iris and the next I was covered in sweat, and my back hit the floor, leaving me staring up at John Diggle.

"Dig?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm kicking your butt," He answered, "Now get up, come on." He tried to punch me, but I dodged it.

"You guys redecorate the Bunker?" I asked.

"Oliver, you've been to ARGUS a million times." he tried to hit me two more times, but I dodged and blocked again, both of my wrists holding his arm in place.

"Oliver?" He shoved my arms down and punched me in the face. He went to swing again, but I ducked, punching him in the stomach. I dodged the rest of his punches, and landed a few of my own, finally uppercutting him so that he fell onto his back. "I'm Oliver Queen."

"Yeah, I'll say."

"I'm the Green Arrow." I realized. "Holy crap." I pulled my shirt up, revealing a bunch of scars and a couple of tattoos that definitely were not mine. "I've been hanging with a tough crowd, huh?"

"Yeah, you think?"

"Look, I need to make a call, just to STAR Labs, Just for some important green arrow business. You know how it is."

"Later." Diggle answered as an alarm went off on the computer.

"What's that?"

"We've got Bratvas fighting Bertinelli's over in old Diaz weapons cache in the Glades. I could really use some backup, Oliver."

"Oh, man, I don't know if I'm feeling up for it. I think I just tweaked something." I told him.

"ARGUS rapid response is on another mission. We're the only ones that can make it in time." I nodded.

"Ok, yeah, I'm in."

"Good." He opened up a black case, shoving a folded pile of leather into my chest "Suit up."

"How do I put this...I forget, do-do I need help putting this on?"


I shot a zip-line arrow into the fan below, zipping down and flipping a guy onto his back with my legs.

"What are you doing? I thought you were gonna fire an incendiary arrow." Diggle asked.

"So did I." I cued up two arrows, shooting two guys at once. I wiped out two more just by hitting them in the face with my bow, then flipping a third guy over on top of them. I also flipped a forth, when another guy kicked me so that I fell sideways onto the ground. He went to stomp on me but I rolled, braking one guy's knee and shoving the other into a collection of boxes. I shoved the last two guys into each other, then into the van, and that was the last of them except one guy with a gun, which Diggle took out. "Did you freaking see that?" I asked.

"Stop fooling around and get the driver!" I turned as the car started up, firing an arrow and causing the car to drive into another car.

"Dang." I turned around seeing another guy sneaking up behind Dig. "Diggle!" Then suddenly we were in the bunker, and I was gearing up to attack whoever it was that took us.

"No-no..." I stopped to see Oliver in my suit, along with Kara in...what looked like Laura's everyday clothes.

"Oh man, Oh, I'm glad to see you guys."

"Uh-huh. Yeah." Diggle walked over to a barrel, puking into it. I looked back to Oliver.

"Nice outfit."

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