Chapter Forty-Four: My New Hero

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We all stood in the Cortex the next week. Caitlin sat behind the computer, with Harry and Thomas leaning on the other side of it. Barry, Nora, and Hannah leaned against the other one, and Iris leaned against the computer that Ralph and I stood beside. Ralph, as he usually did, had his arms wrapped around my shoulders hugging me from behind with his chin resting on top of my head.

"We are back in business." Cisco stated.

"And by business, he means the better-than-Sally the Satellite business." Ralph explained.

"I like how Cisco argued against that name, and now that's what we all call it." I pointed out.

"And what does that mean?" Nora asked, talking about what Ralph said.

"That means that we're getting closer to identifying the ever elusive Cic-ah-da."

"Its Cicada, Sherlock." Cisco corrected. "Once I hacked DeVoe's satellites, all I had to do was just use an impact extrapolation algorithm to predict where the shrapnel would've fallen after Barry and Nora pulled a Johnny Cage on Sally the Satellite. May God rest her soul."

"So now we got forty-six locations where forty-six pieces of shrapnel landed."

"And one of these locations is where Cicada will have been injured." Sherloque added.

"Except we don't know which one." Iris stated.

"Or maybe we do. You see, after my hands got sliced by Cicada's dagger, and Laura got stabbed, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, here measured the dark matter in our systems."

"And its levels of concentration were higher than any I'd seen before, except maybe Laura's meltdowns." I bit my lip.

"Insanely High," Cisco said, glancing at Thomas and I. "And the only part of the satellite that would have dark matter levels that high..." he pointed to a spot on the diagram of the satellite.

"Is the core," Iris continued, "Which is where Cicada's dagger came from."

"So, we find the location of the core and we'll know where Cicada was that night." Barry concluded.

"You know, FEMA set up sites to help people after the Enlightenment. If Cicada was injured, maybe he received medical treatment at one of them?" Caitlin suggested.

"That's a great idea. I mean, we could check with FEMA to see if any fathers matching Cicada's description reported any injuries near the crash site." Barr said.

"So, we split up."Sherloque said.

"Ok, great. I'm good at tracking things down, so I will find the satellite core." Iris said.

"I will come with you and everybody else look for the names."

"Um, do you mind if I actually come with you too?" Nora asked. "Its just that I saw you jump off a building last week and that was awesome," Barry and Iris smiled at each other, "So I thought maybe I'd come with you while you did some detective work?"

"Oh, I think that two people is going to be more than enough for waht we need-" Sherloque mumbled.

"I think what he's trying to say is that we would love to have you come with us." Iris said.


"Why don't the Dibny Fam talk to FEMA and see if we can get some names." Ralph suggested.

"Don't say Fam." Hannah groaned. 

"What's wrong with Fam?" Ralph asked.

"No, I agree, don't say that." I told him. "Actually I have some work to do with Thomas, but I'm sure the Dibny Detectives can handle it, right?"

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