Chapter Fifteen: Some Kind Of Manyverse

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I left Hannah with Iris and Nora and begun my man hunt for Ralph. I had no clue where he went.

Weirdly enough, I found him in Cisco's lab, pacing back and forth with his hands steeped under his chin.

"Um...what's going on, Ralph?" I asked.

"I'm just...processing." He said with a few manic hand motions.  I put a hand on his arm and he stopped pacing, turning to look at me. 

"Ralph, I swear I explained all of this to you. Weren't you listening?" He cringed. "Oh my gosh, Ralph, how were you not listening?!"

"I'm sorry! Ok, I'm sorry, when you talk for extended periods of time I get...distracted." I raised my eyebrows.

"So...I'm boring? Is that what you're saying."

"No! No, no, no, that's not what I'm saying, definitely not what I'm saying. No, when you talk for long periods of time, your mouth moves like, a lot, and I end up thinking about kissing you and I can't focus on two things at once so I've heard literally none of your time travel explanations, I'm so sorry." I laughed. "Why...why are you laughing?"

"I don't know if that's adorable or just kind of hilariously sad. Oh, you poor thing."

"Can you not look at me like I'm pathetic, please? I already think that enough right now." I shook my head.

"You're not pathetic. It's kind of cute actually...maybe boarding on creepy, but you're my boyfriend so I'll let it slide." He smiled, putting his hands on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"That's our daughter in there." He stated. "We have a daughter." I nodded.

"And it seems she turned out alright. I mean, she's not a criminal, so we must do ok." He laughed.

"Which...kind of surprises me." I furrowed my eyebrows. "I mean, I have no doubt in my mind that you would be an awesome mother, but...I never had a dad growing up. Not for long anyway, and he left, so what kind of example is that?"

"Ralph...I know you've only really had one experience with her, but did you see the way she looked at us when she came in? The way she looked at both of us? That was the look of someone who looks up to her parents, and respects them. And I have no doubt in my mind that you would be an awesome Dad, because if you make her feel as loved and as safe as you make me feel every day...she's going to have the best dad in the world." His face turned very serious all of a sudden, and I furrowed my eyebrows. " ok?"

"Yeah, I was just...thinking." 

"About what?" I questioned.

"About how I want you to be my wife." My eyes widened. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a little velvet box. "I was going to ask the day DeVoe killed me...that very second, actually."

"Oh my gosh, you were reaching into your pocket." I remembered, a hand over my mouth. He nodded.

"The day that I impersonated DeVoe for the first time in court, I went to my mom's house. My grandmother never had any sons to pass down her engagement ring to, and she never liked my dad so she wasn't going to leave give it to him, so the second she found out my mom was having a boy, she put it in her will to give it to me. To be completely honest, I never thought I'd have the opportunity to use it, but..."  He opened the box, revealing the ring.

"  He opened the box, revealing the ring

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Oh my gosh...Ralph, it's beautiful." He dropped down onto one knee and I put my hands over my mouth.

"So...what do you say? Laura Sue Wilson," I laughed, "Will you marry me?"

"No." His face fell. "I'm kidding! Gosh, obviously the answer is yes, you idiot." He laughed, standing up and wrapping his arms around my waist, pressing his mouth against mine. I pulled away and he took the ring out of the box, slipping it onto my finger.

"How is the size?" He asked.

"The size is perfect." I told him, looking down at it. "To be completely honest...I wasn't sure I'd ever wear one of these."

"How? You're amazing." I smiled up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too...obviously." I laughed, pulling away from him. All of a sudden, his eyes widened.


"I just had an epiphany! We have to tell the others!'

"What-" He grabbed a clear marker board pushing it out of the room without another word. "Ok then."

I followed him down the hallway towards the Cortex, and we heard voices as we got closer.

"Ok, finding Gridlock and getting Nora and Hannah home need to be our priorities."

"No, no, no. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Wait!" Ralph said, pushing the board into the room.

"Loud!" A very hungover Cisco shouted.

"Ok, so-but this needs to be our priority." I stepped up beside Hannah, who furrowed her eyebrows at me. I shrugged. "Now, I realize that you're all way ahead of me in this time-travel business, but guys, I think I just discovered something." He drew a circle and wrote Nora's name in the middle of it. "So if-if Nora can time travel, that means she can create new timelines, right?" He drew another circle and wrote his name in it. " New timelines means that parallel timelines can exist. So guys, I think that a whole other universe could exist. I know, I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but think about it. There could be an Earth where we're all bad guys, or another earth where there's no world hunger, or another earth where they never made that last 'Indiana Jones' movie."

"That's a world I want to live in." Hannah stated. Ralph smiled at her.

"Think of the possibilities. It's like some kind of a manyverse." He turned around, looking at all of us. "And everybody knows about the manyverse."

"Multiverse," Iris corrected, "and so do you, Ralph."

"Breacher, Gypsy, Harry? What did you think we meant when we said Harry was from Earth-2?" Caitlin asked.

"That he is from Earth 'also'. You guys really need to make like a welcome pamphlet or at least a PowerPoint or something. And get someone other than my fiance to explain it to me because I can't focus when she talks." He banged his head lightly against the marker board.

"Wait, Ralph did you just say fiance?" Iris asked. I awkwardly held up my left hand.

"As of a five seconds ago...yeah."

"Oh my gosh, that's great!"


"Good for you, guys."

"That's so weird." Hannah said, looking at me. "But now that I think about it...that's how it happened before so at least that hasn't changed."

"Ok, and Ralph, buddy, can we get off Time Travel please, maybe? Let's focus on finding Gridlock, alright? Thank you."

"Ok, real quick, just for my benefit, who  is Gridlock?" I asked.

"A meta that my dad was supposed to beat in one try but is now on the run because I screwed up." Nora explained. I nodded.

"Ok, then." Everyone left the Cortex except me, Iris, Hannah, and Nora.

"Really, congratulations." Iris told me.

"Thank you. Hey, while they're trying to figure this out, what if all four of us go to Jitters? Try to get to know our daughters a little bit?"

"Great idea," She told me. "You girls thirsty?"

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